New Template

If you made a template for printing or HTML export, you can offer it to the others here. You can also ask here for help about these templates
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Post by antp »

it is a zipped file, called template2 or template3

Post by Guest »

antp wrote:it is a zipped file, called template2 or template3
Thanx a lot !

Now I am totally satisfied !

Post by Guest »


I would like to add classifications like that done for the categories.

I tried to create a second classification for the countries. It is posted, but does not show the classifications. I believe that it is with the value "otherwise" which is not divided: another value such as "otherwise1" is impossible.
For more clearness, I join my modifications here: ... ntries.xml

Thank you to repair my errors or to say to me what I must do to repair them.

Sorry for my bad English, if there is something which you don?t understand, tell me what, and I would try to be clearer.

PS: If it is possible, I would like also that the borrowed films are in colour in the list.[/quote]
The Fly
Posts: 2
Joined: 2004-08-28 13:32:35

Post by The Fly »

Anonymous wrote:
antp wrote:it is a zipped file, called template2 or template3
Thanx a lot !

Now I am totally satisfied !
Which script do you use to get all that info in dutch ?

Post by Guest »

The Fly wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
antp wrote:it is a zipped file, called template2 or template3
Thanx a lot !

Now I am totally satisfied !
Which script do you use to get all that info in dutch ? script

and I manually transleted the template.
The Fly
Posts: 2
Joined: 2004-08-28 13:32:35

Post by The Fly »

OK I used that template too, and where do you get that Kijkwijzer info ?

Post by Guest »

The Fly wrote:OK I used that template too, and where do you get that Kijkwijzer info ?

Post by Wasp »

Anonymous wrote:
antp wrote:it is a zipped file, called template2 or template3
Thanx a lot !

Now I am totally satisfied !
Can you tell me how you exported all the movies in the right table, because I exported the left table and it works.But when I export the right side, I only get 1 .html file.And when I look at your homepage it has a .html page for every movie.
When I push on a movie in the left table I will get a "The page cannot be displayed" page.
Or is there a "How to use" this template3 guide ?

Thnx in advance.
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Posts: 9651
Joined: 2002-05-30 10:13:07
Location: Brussels

Post by antp »

You have to use the full & indiv tabs of the HTML export window.
It is explained in the Help file ;)

Post by Wasp »

Thnx m8, it works now.
Forgot to read those help files ;)

Post by Guest »

Anonymous wrote:
antp wrote:it is a zipped file, called template2 or template3
Thanx a lot !

Now I am totally satisfied !
How did you export those rating and certificate pictures to html :??:

Post by Guest »

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
antp wrote:it is a zipped file, called template2 or template3
Thanx a lot !

Now I am totally satisfied !
How did you export those rating and certificate pictures to html :??:
You have to stor the pictures of the ratings and qualifications in your root. I'll explain the ratings:

you have a picture called 0.gif (the picture with no stars) In your template there should be a string looking for the rating. But now you want the picture... Very easy just give the string .gif after it.

So the rating string should look like something like this:
<img src="rating$$ITEM_RATING.gif" width="129" height="13" alt="$$ITEM_RATING" border="0"> ($$ITEM_RATING/10)

In this example the pictures fot the rating are called rating0.gif, rating1.gif etc...

you can do the same for the qualifications...

Post by atomic »

hi everyone. My problem is: i've downloaded the template (very nice template, the best I think). Followed the steps but in the final when i open index.html before the upload i dont see anything, just the left table with the search and the filter. I've saved the movies.xml as something.html and then followed the steps. then i check the images to stay in the same folder. I don't know what the problem is. Can anybody help me...?

Post by atomic »

sorry again. I've found the problem. I have a movie with more than a category, and that doesn't make the .xml to show. How to correct the problem to have more than a category? Sorry my english, I'm from Portugal.

Post by atomic »

another time! About the category, i've found. Sorry about that. I want to know if there is a way to change the color of line of the movie in the main movie list. An example, yellow for borrowed movies, and blue for not seen. Thanks
pretty man


Post by pretty man »


can you give your modify template for community?
It's very beautiful.

Anonymous wrote:
antp wrote:it is a zipped file, called template2 or template3
Thanx a lot !

Now I am totally satisfied !

Post by Guest »

where are the instruction how to use the willspo template?
in his archive i dont find them! in english please :)
thnx all

Post by sorcer1 »

How to make add a new category called "New" to show the newests movies added in the catalog?

Post by Serges »


can you give me a Help please...

My name is Sérgio, sorry about my english, i need a template just like you give to the Guest user, the second post on this page it's beatiful but i need a little change, The translate Title...

Can you do this for me...

Tahank you very much this is the best program that i ever used to catalag my DVD and i recomended to all my friends...

If you can do so can you put in portuguese?

Thanks again and good luck withe the program and with your future in the net... ;)

Sérgio Relvas

My mail if you like is[/quote]
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Posts: 9651
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Location: Brussels

Post by antp »

It's not my template, I do not know how it works so I can't modify it. I only included the template made by somebody else to Ant Movie Catalog.
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