Version 4 - Full rewrite or continue on 3.x ?
Version 4 - Full rewrite or continue on 3.x ?
Note for french-speaking users : merci de ne parler qu'en anglais sur ce topic. Si vous voulez absolument discuter en français, merci d'aller là : viewtopic.php?t=1357
(link to french-speaking topic that corresponds to this one)
It's a long time since I started this version 4.
There are still lots of things to do, and I never have time to work on it (or I do not want to work on it).
So I begin to think that it may be better to continue to modify the version 3 instead of waiting forever for this version 4.
What do you think ?
Personnally I have enough with current version. There are few things that I may add, and some things are not difficult to add.
But of course things like lots of new fields or customizable fields would not be possible then.
(link to french-speaking topic that corresponds to this one)
It's a long time since I started this version 4.
There are still lots of things to do, and I never have time to work on it (or I do not want to work on it).
So I begin to think that it may be better to continue to modify the version 3 instead of waiting forever for this version 4.
What do you think ?
Personnally I have enough with current version. There are few things that I may add, and some things are not difficult to add.
But of course things like lots of new fields or customizable fields would not be possible then.
Last edited by antp on 2004-12-11 17:08:09, edited 2 times in total.
Hmm... I think it would be better to have updated version 3 than no version 4 at all. But would it be possible to implement all changes to version 3?
For me, I would like to see these new things:
- some new fields (international title, aka...),
- possibility to add multiple covers for a movie and mostly
- possibility to group movies by series with proper ordering, sice many series change titles, eg. Hellbound is really Hellraiser 2, but in alphabetical listing comes before Hellraiser 1. Even worse it is if those parts have completely different names.
So if these things could be implemented into version 3, it would be enough for me...
Anyway, Ant is still the best there is.
For me, I would like to see these new things:
- some new fields (international title, aka...),
- possibility to add multiple covers for a movie and mostly
- possibility to group movies by series with proper ordering, sice many series change titles, eg. Hellbound is really Hellraiser 2, but in alphabetical listing comes before Hellraiser 1. Even worse it is if those parts have completely different names.
So if these things could be implemented into version 3, it would be enough for me...
Anyway, Ant is still the best there is.
Well, if those things are possible, then I'm on board with version 3 updates. I'm a programmer as well, so I know it's nice to start from scratch, but it takes a lot of time and testing, especially if you have to do it in your own free time. I've been trying to finish my new web page for over 5 months, but always something else comes up...
Anyway, just read May issue of czech or slovak magazine Stereo and one article discusses possibilities of cataloguing movies on pc. Ant is among them. Article doesn't point out a winner, but Ant is praised as fast and simple, best suitable for large archives, with interesting statistics and it's free. It's cons are quite a few fields and that only one pic can be attached to a movie.
If you like, I might be able to scan it somewhere, but not sure where or when
Anyway, just read May issue of czech or slovak magazine Stereo and one article discusses possibilities of cataloguing movies on pc. Ant is among them. Article doesn't point out a winner, but Ant is praised as fast and simple, best suitable for large archives, with interesting statistics and it's free. It's cons are quite a few fields and that only one pic can be attached to a movie.
If you like, I might be able to scan it somewhere, but not sure where or when

Okie, I'll try to scan it somewhere. I saw that magazine at parents' about 4 weeks ago, so I hope it's still gonna be there, when I visit them again.
I'm not quite sure about other programs, but I knew and tried them all before and I picked Ant. There was Movie Collector for sure, then eXtreme Movie Manager I guess and I don't recall fourth one. Maybe there were only 3.
I'll let you know next week.
I'm not quite sure about other programs, but I knew and tried them all before and I picked Ant. There was Movie Collector for sure, then eXtreme Movie Manager I guess and I don't recall fourth one. Maybe there were only 3.
I'll let you know next week.
I love this programme as it is right now, but with some small "corrections" it would be super terrific.
The first thing to add is to be able to sort fields in reverse order in Export.
Hmm, when I think of it a bit more it feels like that is the only correction that I need just now. So not much to do to make it super terrific.
The first thing to add is to be able to sort fields in reverse order in Export.
Hmm, when I think of it a bit more it feels like that is the only correction that I need just now. So not much to do to make it super terrific.

If it's possible to add some small things than we might all be better of with a 3.5 version. 
What about 1...4 custom fields? So depending on what one wants as additional information it could be (configured somewhere and) entered there.
Something like
"user_defined_field_1_translatedname" (*)
"user_defined_field_1_contenttype" (text(**), image(***))
if text then ask: single line or multiple lines
Personally I think it's possible to "steal" some space from the "description" and "comment" field boxes so the UI could basically look the same as it does now if there are only 2...4 additional fields (let's say 4 single line ones OR 2 multi line ones - if wanted)
(*) it's impossible to predict what users want so it could hardly get translated in advance.
But that way there'd be a work-around.
(**) text fields are (hopefully) easy to integrate into grouping. Which reminds me that I'd like to have a second (third) grouping level (a dialogue with some tickboxes behind the fields?).
(***) Images are a little trickier 'cause space on the UI must be available - or maybe for images there'll be simply some tabs (instead of this image box)...
Draw back is that it's maybe not so easy to make the custom fields appear where one would expect 'em. An additional config dialogue (code, yeah) would be needed to say i.e. "custom_field_1" should appear between "movie_title" and "translated_title". Or?
Just some ideas. But if AMC stays at 3.4 - well - then I will happily use it as it is.

What about 1...4 custom fields? So depending on what one wants as additional information it could be (configured somewhere and) entered there.
Something like
"user_defined_field_1_translatedname" (*)
"user_defined_field_1_contenttype" (text(**), image(***))
if text then ask: single line or multiple lines
Personally I think it's possible to "steal" some space from the "description" and "comment" field boxes so the UI could basically look the same as it does now if there are only 2...4 additional fields (let's say 4 single line ones OR 2 multi line ones - if wanted)
(*) it's impossible to predict what users want so it could hardly get translated in advance.

(**) text fields are (hopefully) easy to integrate into grouping. Which reminds me that I'd like to have a second (third) grouping level (a dialogue with some tickboxes behind the fields?).
(***) Images are a little trickier 'cause space on the UI must be available - or maybe for images there'll be simply some tabs (instead of this image box)...
Draw back is that it's maybe not so easy to make the custom fields appear where one would expect 'em. An additional config dialogue (code, yeah) would be needed to say i.e. "custom_field_1" should appear between "movie_title" and "translated_title". Or?
Just some ideas. But if AMC stays at 3.4 - well - then I will happily use it as it is.

more fields !
yea, more fields, thats for sure, i'd suggest:
- screenwriter
- music composer
- rating in format 2.3/10
- another movie link - one is sometimes not enough (i'd like to put imdb link in my db and some link to decription of movie in my native language)
- maybe some actors db with photos (*)
- as for cast - how about some changes like not using memo/textfield but rather listfield/combo with direct linking to actors db (*)
- i need a checkbox [x] subs included on CD
- would be totally great if You could implement subs db with direct linking to desired subs for a movie (subs stored on hdd/cd)
sample scenario: i need to watch some horror movie which is burned on cd without subs. i seach a movie on my favourite moviedb (AMC)
and discovrs that checkbox "subs included" is not checked, i clik on "extract subs from db" and here i am
i put cd in a drive, load extracted subs and enoy the movie ;]
the MOST IMPORTANT - better continue great work on ver.3 than not releasing ver.4 at all
- screenwriter
- music composer
- rating in format 2.3/10
- another movie link - one is sometimes not enough (i'd like to put imdb link in my db and some link to decription of movie in my native language)
- maybe some actors db with photos (*)
- as for cast - how about some changes like not using memo/textfield but rather listfield/combo with direct linking to actors db (*)
- i need a checkbox [x] subs included on CD
- would be totally great if You could implement subs db with direct linking to desired subs for a movie (subs stored on hdd/cd)
sample scenario: i need to watch some horror movie which is burned on cd without subs. i seach a movie on my favourite moviedb (AMC)

the MOST IMPORTANT - better continue great work on ver.3 than not releasing ver.4 at all

- Posts: 1
- Joined: 2004-04-26 18:46:29
Hello from greece
I think your program is the best of all.(i have tried 24 programs)
The only thing need to be changed is the template function and i mean that we need more templates.
why dont you construct a template that can run in the internet with search fuction for actors,category by letter, and to be be eassy for someone to customize.
xslt_template_3 is the best but very dificult to change something and very slow for internet.
The program works fine for me i have all the information i need the only thing is the template.
The only thing need to be changed is the template function and i mean that we need more templates.
why dont you construct a template that can run in the internet with search fuction for actors,category by letter, and to be be eassy for someone to customize.
xslt_template_3 is the best but very dificult to change something and very slow for internet.
The program works fine for me i have all the information i need the only thing is the template.
j'attends ce nouveau programme depuis bientôt un an (un an durant laquelle je n'ai préféré rien entrer dans la base de donnée car mon temps est compté et que je ne voulais pas devoir perdre du temps por une migration incertaine, ...
En fait mon souhait, un soft comme ANTP Movie Catalog avec lequel je peux exporter les données pour MyHTPC (ou MEEDIO).
L'idéal, gestion de plusieurs types de support (DVD, K7, DivX en Offline et Online) ainsi que les MP3, CD Audio, APE dans une entité.
In english, I prefer that you developpe the 3.x version.
j'attends ce nouveau programme depuis bientôt un an (un an durant laquelle je n'ai préféré rien entrer dans la base de donnée car mon temps est compté et que je ne voulais pas devoir perdre du temps por une migration incertaine, ...
En fait mon souhait, un soft comme ANTP Movie Catalog avec lequel je peux exporter les données pour MyHTPC (ou MEEDIO).
L'idéal, gestion de plusieurs types de support (DVD, K7, DivX en Offline et Online) ainsi que les MP3, CD Audio, APE dans une entité.
In english, I prefer that you developpe the 3.x version.
Depuis le début j'ai dit qu'il serait possible de récupérer les données de la version actuelle, peu importe comment le programme évolue, vu que je dois faire évoluer mon propre catalogue vers la nouvelle versionJunior76 wrote: (un an durant laquelle je n'ai préféré rien entrer dans la base de donnée car mon temps est compté et que je ne voulais pas devoir perdre du temps por une migration incertaine, ...

Pour ce qui est de la gestion d'autre chose que des films, ça n'arrivera probablement jamais de ma part vu que je n'en ai pas l'utilité.
Une exportation correcte pour MyHTPC par contre, il faudrait que je l'ajoute, ça pourrait être utile.
Pour les discussions en français, merci d'aller là bas pour ne garder ce topic qu'en anglais :
English Summary :
He said that has prefered to wait for v4 before starting to fill its DB, and I replyied that anyway it will be possible to convert the data to any new version since I have to upgrade my own catalog to the new version.
He also said that he wanted a program to export data to MyHTPC, manage different media types, including MP3 and Audio CD.
So I said that I should add proper HTPC export; but I won't add MP3 or Audio CD management.
Keep going
Hi there
Youre program is the best i could find on the internet.
est of all it's free
There's one thing i miss, en that is some sort of export function for PocketPC.
There's a program called DVDx, this works with a Access Database that can be syncronized with pocketpc. I would like to have something like that straight form Ant movie Catalog
Keep up the good work
The Netherlands
Youre program is the best i could find on the internet.
est of all it's free

There's one thing i miss, en that is some sort of export function for PocketPC.
There's a program called DVDx, this works with a Access Database that can be syncronized with pocketpc. I would like to have something like that straight form Ant movie Catalog
Keep up the good work
The Netherlands

1. a checkbox can already be displayed : Tools -> Preferences -> Movie list -> checkboxes
2. that could go in the "comments" field, but I will probably add in version 4 a "version" or "edition" field.
3. maybe
I won't add new fields in version 3.5
In this version the only modification to the fields is that the rating field now accepts a decimal, like on IMDB.
You'll have to wait for version 4 for new ones
2. that could go in the "comments" field, but I will probably add in version 4 a "version" or "edition" field.
3. maybe
I won't add new fields in version 3.5
In this version the only modification to the fields is that the rating field now accepts a decimal, like on IMDB.
You'll have to wait for version 4 for new ones

New Fields
Greetings from Brazil!
Please, excuse me for my "poor" English
I´m using AMC for just one week now, but i´m already pretty sure this is among the best softwares I´ve seen in my life. The customization by use of HTML templates and pascal scripts to fetch info from Internet are GREAT! I never had the time to catalog my movies before. Every software I reviewed before AMC lacks something important.
There is some room for improvement. of course. I would like to see the "pictures", "covers" and "media" support implemented. But it´s not so important for me.
The feature that I really need is support for alternate "Description" and "Comments" fields. I´m pretty confortable reading DVD descriptions fetched in English by the IMDB script. But my friends understand only Portuguese. I really PREFER the English comments, since there is no searchable site in Brazilian Portuguese comparable to IMDB/Amazon. So I need to include BOTH English and Portuguese versions, one above other, in the available fields.
Using AMC, this is not a big concern. But when I expot to HTML, using the great WILLSPO or PINYO templates, the result of the very long fields is broken or a mess!
The version 4.0, with customizable fields, will let me have BOTH languages separated and export/see only that needed. It will be GREAT!
One possible workaround for this would be a link to a local HTML page with the Brazilian Portuguese review of the movie. AMC already have a ONLINE link (URL field) that I can modify to use a local link, but the link needs to be absolute (so I tested) and only a RELATIVE link will work in my case. There is a good brazilian site that I can fetch with a spider like "Teleport Pro", movie by movie or entirely and put with my catalog.
But, ANTP, your software ALREADY IS the BEST! Good work!
Please, excuse me for my "poor" English

I´m using AMC for just one week now, but i´m already pretty sure this is among the best softwares I´ve seen in my life. The customization by use of HTML templates and pascal scripts to fetch info from Internet are GREAT! I never had the time to catalog my movies before. Every software I reviewed before AMC lacks something important.
There is some room for improvement. of course. I would like to see the "pictures", "covers" and "media" support implemented. But it´s not so important for me.
The feature that I really need is support for alternate "Description" and "Comments" fields. I´m pretty confortable reading DVD descriptions fetched in English by the IMDB script. But my friends understand only Portuguese. I really PREFER the English comments, since there is no searchable site in Brazilian Portuguese comparable to IMDB/Amazon. So I need to include BOTH English and Portuguese versions, one above other, in the available fields.
Using AMC, this is not a big concern. But when I expot to HTML, using the great WILLSPO or PINYO templates, the result of the very long fields is broken or a mess!
The version 4.0, with customizable fields, will let me have BOTH languages separated and export/see only that needed. It will be GREAT!
One possible workaround for this would be a link to a local HTML page with the Brazilian Portuguese review of the movie. AMC already have a ONLINE link (URL field) that I can modify to use a local link, but the link needs to be absolute (so I tested) and only a RELATIVE link will work in my case. There is a good brazilian site that I can fetch with a spider like "Teleport Pro", movie by movie or entirely and put with my catalog.
But, ANTP, your software ALREADY IS the BEST! Good work!