there's another bug in sql export.

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there's another bug in sql export.

Post by leios »

in any colomn if text has single quotation mark('), sql will be broken.
for example, original title is "Knight's Tale, A" sql will be

Single quotation marks should like to change by two in sql export.
because of string surrounds by single quotation in sql. so must write two single quotation to denote single quotation mark.

and I will be appreciative if include the script.
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Post by antp »

The SQL export replaces ' by a ´ (an acute accent, in the case it does not display correctly) in the titles.
But you are right, I should put two ' instead of a ´
(should work without problem with the ´ in the title, but I guess that you are using another character set in your Windows, and ´ is probably a special character that does not exist on non-latin character sets :/)

Post by leios »

yeap. thx.
cheers! :)

Post by leios »

ah, 1 more problem.
'A Knight뭩 Tale'
#47977; next character is 's', where is it?
orginal title is 'A Knight's Tale'.
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Post by antp »

Actually it puts an accent to replace the ' and then the S.
But it seems that on unicode systems the accent is used to specify than the next character is the second part of a multibyte character (multibyte unicode allows to have several thousands characters instead of standard latin ASCII extended 256 characters)
so accent+S becomes another character.
I guess that if I put "és" (e with accent followed by a S) in a text file you will see it as another character (one character that replaces the two that I wrote)

I will try to correct this problem in the following days.
I do not have lots of time, but it will done before next week-end.

Post by leios »

thank you very much. :D
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