Docking the picture window?

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Thomas Henkel

Docking the picture window?

Post by Thomas Henkel »


When I want to dock the picture window in the main window, it always overlays the movie list on the left. It is not possible to dock the window anywhere else (i.e. left or right from the list) in the main window.

Is this a bug or a feature? :)


PS: It would also help, if I could arrange the main and picture window together, but unfortunately, AMC (or WinXP?) seems to arrange the main window and the picture window more or less randomly at startup. :??:
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Post by antp »

The picture window cannot be docked in another way than under the movie list
I will try to add more docking possibilities in a future version.
The position of the undocked window is saved, but the position of the main window (if not maximized) is specified by Windows, so nearly random ;)
I should save the position :/
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