EXIF not found on MP4 files

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EXIF not found on MP4 files

Post by n23 »

Hello, i'm new to this software and it worked perfectly fines for all my pictures. But now i tried it with my videos (from my phone) and it says they don't find any EXIF info (which I believe) but there is a created date in the details of the files, so can I use this date to rename my files ?



thanks everyone

(sorry for the french in the pictures but its only to illustrate my problem, what i wanted to show is the date in the details of the files, and that the software doesnt find the EXIF)
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Re: EXIF not found on MP4 files

Post by antp »

Ant Renamer only takes Exif from JPEG, but anyway the metadata in MP4 files is not Exif (as far as I know), it is something else.
Some day I may add that in Ant Renamer, but it is not planned in short/medium term due to lack of time, sorry.
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Re: EXIF not found on MP4 files

Post by n23 »

Thanks for the answer, anyway you helped me a lot with the pictures, thank you so much.
Any chance someone know a software to rename mp4 files ?
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Re: EXIF not found on MP4 files

Post by antp »

No, I haven't yet needed that, sorry
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