Hello everybody,
I love the Ant Renamer and I habe been using it for over ten years. I would like to number my files alphabetically instead of using numbers: Instead of filename_01, filename_02...I need filename_a, filename_b, filename_c, filename_d etc.
I know I could use the "names from a list" but this involves some more work.
Do you know a solution for this?
Thank you!
Numbering alphabetically
Re: Numbering alphabetically
Sorry, I don't see how to do it in another way
Sorry, I don't see how to do it in another way

- Posts: 3
- Joined: 2021-01-17 20:12:54
Re: Numbering alphabetically
Would it be possible to integrate such a function? Like numbering by a list? (compare Excel here, where you can autofill by a user defined list) Perhaps with the variable %numlist%? I would even pay 20€ for it.
Re: Numbering alphabetically
Problem is that I don't really have time to work on the program currently. It would be a nice function to have, possibility to pick the "numbers" from a predefined list for example, but there are so many other things to do...
- Posts: 3
- Joined: 2021-01-17 20:12:54
Re: Numbering alphabetically
That's a pity! But anyway, thank you very much for your software. It saved me lots of hours of time!