Extract filename from FieldFilePath and find dublicate and replace

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Extract filename from FieldFilePath and find dublicate and replace

Post by scratneednuts »

My archive is mismatched…
For fix i need script for extract filename [the.movie.name.2020.1080p.x264.mp4 etc] from FieldFilePath / FieldMedia=NEW and find same filename [the.movie.name.2020.1080p.x264.mp4 etc] from FieldMedia=OLD
and paste full path from FieldFilePath / FieldMedia=NEW (..\Movies\The Movie Name\ the.movie.name.2020.1080p.x264.mp4 etc..) to FieldFilePath / FieldMedia=OLD

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Re: Extract filename from FieldFilePath and find dublicate and replace

Post by antp »

Sorry, I don't really understand your request.
Can you provide an example?
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Re: Extract filename from FieldFilePath and find dublicate and replace

Post by fulvio53s03 »

scratneednuts wrote: 2020-09-16 10:21:09 Hi
My archive is mismatched…
For fix i need script for extract filename [the.movie.name.2020.1080p.x264.mp4 etc] from FieldFilePath / FieldMedia=NEW and find same filename [the.movie.name.2020.1080p.x264.mp4 etc] from FieldMedia=OLD
and paste full path from FieldFilePath / FieldMedia=OLD (..\Movies\The Movie Name\ the.movie.name.2020.1080p.x264.mp4 etc..) to FieldFilePath / FieldMedia=OLD

I think you can:
- sort your archive by FilePath, MediaType
- select all records with FieldMedia=OLD or FieldMedia=NEW
- apply them the script Findduplicates.
try and let us know if this can be a good help.
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Re: Extract filename from FieldFilePath and find dublicate and replace

Post by scratneednuts »

Thanks for repay antp, fulvio53s03
sorry about my English, it is very hard to explain in English…
7 days ago my 4 bay usb encloser malfunction and corrupted NTFS file systems on all 4 disks. I succeed recover 90% using app, but recovery done by naming like [######]\the.movie.name.2020. 1080p.x264.mp4 .
I find batch file to fix folder name like “the.movie.name.2020\ the.movie.name.2020. 1080p.x264.mp4” . But I lost my disk and folder structure that I have before in my catalog.
My catalog contain around 2000 movies. in years I have organized my archive.
My disks was mounted as:
All disks have subfolders contain movies like (Before recovery)
\Movies [HD]\
\Movies [HD][French]\
\Movies [HD][German]\
\Movies [HD][Japanese]\
\Movies [HD][Korean]\
\Movies [HD][Oldies]\

After recovery, in every disk, movies are in one folder..
\Movies [HD]\
\ the.movie.name.2010\the.movie.name.2010. 1080p.x264.mp4
\ the.movie.name.2020\the.movie.name.2020. 1080p.x264.mp4
And, movie before recovery that has in DISK1, now in DISK3 disk. Or movie in DISK4 before recovery, now in DISK2.

Folder structure is not important for me, But my Ant Movie Collection must match to new folder structure. I have a lot notes in comments….
In my Ant Movies Catalog with old folder structure, I plan to rename “FieldMedia” to “OLD” for all movies. Then Import all movies with new folder structure, where “FieldMedia” will be “NEW”. That mean catalog will contain 4000 movies…
After that I need script:
For each movie that have imported and have “FieldMedia=NEW”, script must copy full file path from “FieldFilePath”
(Like “C:\DISKS\DISK1\Movies [HD]\ the.movie.name.2020\the.movie.name.2010. 1080p.x264.mp4”)
Extract file name (like “the.movie.name.2020.1080p.x264.mp4”) and find movie that has exact file name (like “the.movie.name.2020.1080p.x264.mp4”) where “FieldMedia=OLD”
And than replace full file path “FieldFilePath” in this OLD founded movie with NEW one.

I mean
For OLD movie that have full information (IMDB, Notes, etc),
OLD full path
Like “C:\DISKS\DISK4\Movies [HD][French]\The Movie Name (2010)\the.movie.name.2010. 1080p.x264.mp4”
Mast be replace with NEW
“C:\DISKS\DISK1\Movies [HD]\ the.movie.name.2020\the.movie.name.2010. 1080p.x264.mp4”
full path that is from NEW imported movie one…
I mean, coping FieldFilePath from NEW imported movie, then find OLD movie one and paste FieldFilePath …. Search criteria must be file name (like “the.movie.name.2010. 1080p.x264.mp4”) not full path…
If script works i will delete NEW imported movies and I hope that my Catalog will match again…
I try to import via “update only exiting movies”. But not updated, only can import as new movie, because Full path not match. I don’t know is there a way to update movie path that are moved in deferent location (exact filename like “the.movie.name.2010. 1080p.x264.mp4”)…
I hope can explain what I mean…
Thank you for your help
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Re: Extract filename from FieldFilePath and find dublicate and replace

Post by antp »

Maybe it is quite basic but I'm not sure to understand everything.
Is there a "rule" that you have to just change the start of the path? e.g. replace all folders by "C:\DISKS\DISK1\Movies [HD]\" ?
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Re: Extract filename from FieldFilePath and find dublicate and replace

Post by scratneednuts »

Thanks antp.
But still misunderstandings.
Yesterday I have free time in work and I search for solution…
after more than 1.5 hour, at last I found. At nigh i test my Ant Movie Catalog…. Everything works :) .
I will explain later…
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