About next version (4.0) and new fields for movies...

Comments on existing version & Suggestions for future versions. If you want a new feature suggest it here. Discussions about beta versions also come in this section.

...for xmas? :)

Post by Mystiqq »

Is there any possibility of getting AMC4 for Christmas? :ha:
or some version of it... ;)

*waiting patiently*
Mystiqq :grinking:

Post by Junior76 »

It's a very very very good question !!!

I come almost all day to see if a new finish date is communicated. But since the 13 september -> no info

Sorry for my bad english :p .

Junior76 that wait the new version since more 3 months.
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Re: ...for xmas? :)

Post by antp »

Mystiqq wrote: Is there any possibility of getting AMC4 for Christmas? :ha:
Really not sure :(
Mystiqq wrote: or some version of it... ;)
Well, an unfinished version probably
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Post by antp »

Junior76 wrote: I come almost all day to see if a new finish date is communicated. But since the 13 september -> no info
You can come every week, it would be enough :D
Usually I work on it on week-ends, but previous weeks I did not had lots of time for that :/
I recently added AMC 3.x importation for .amc files. I have to add importation of .xml files, and pictures management. Then I will probably give this as a first "preview" so you can see that it can import your movie list properly :D


Post by Mystiqq »

Oh man, i hope you can get something ready for xmas :cool: .
Because it would just rock! ;)


Post by Junior76 »

Thx for your "réponse" (answer, je crois).

Bonne continuation et à bientôt.
Good job.

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Post by Ormus »

Do you intend to keep some kind of compatibility to older versions? Like a 'Save as AMC3 xml' button? That would enable people to keep using their old templates...
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Post by antp »

No, but I will probably allow to use old templates and scripts (or convert them to new format, I do not know yet).

my 2 cents

Post by theJABBERWOCK »

I just found this site and program two days ago and I am really impressed. However I already have some ideas. Sorry if any have already been posted somewhere, I've tried to read as many posts as I can about others suggestions to see if any have already been listed but I am sure I didn't find them all. Besides half were in French and I failed my high school French class...although actually going may have made it easier to learn :/
Anyways, a few suggestions.

1. First, Cortexwave made a suggestion on Sept. 8 in this thread for colored highlights of titles for things like wanted movies, loaned movies, etc... I like this idea and would like to go one step farther and see the option to have wanted movies rated by their want level, 1-10, and have the title highlight shaded lighter or darker depending on the desire you have for the film. Also for loaned movies the option to have one shade of say blue, for loaned movies and another shade of blue for movies loaned past a certain time. Hopefully that amount of time will be user selected in one day increments.

2. Although I am sure someone could write a script for this I would like the option to pull info and pics from separate sources. For example I usually get the movie info from IMDB then get the pic from Amazon for large pics. I have tried the IMDB with large pic option but it rarely returns large pics. So basically I'd like to select one script for info and another for pictures as an option, as opposed to now where I have to select IMDB info then Amazon to get the pic.

3. I was hoping also that there could be some way that I could save my catalog as an .xml, edit it in Excel and then reopen the edited .xml back in AMC. I have attempted this with the current version several times and although I can get the .xml to convert to a database in excel I am not sure if it is possible if there is anyway to make AMC understand the file once excel has done whatever it does to it. I do not know if the formats are mutually compatible but since Excel can open the AMC .xml's it seems feasible there would be a way to read Excel’s .xml files also. Possibly you can add the ability to export the list to .xls or a database format and allow import of database files, even though I'd imagine the database would need to follow a standardized template to be readable by AMC.

4. Could you add the option for users to select that a files size be recorded as the general mb like is used now or in bytes as is shown in the "Size" field under a files properties? This is a much better reference for file comparisons between users and is the file size shown in most p2p searches.

5. Could you add the ability to read hash info from files? This would be useful for p2p applications. For example ed2k style links for E-Donkey, emule, Overnet style of p2p's and straight MD5 hashing like is used in WinMX, Napigator, Open-Nap type networks could be used to allow searches for those files. The following are some examples of sites that give hash info.

E-Donkey/OverNet clients use sites that list ed2k hash links.
For example: sharereactor
An ed2k hash generator tool can be found here although I doubt you will need one.

WinMX/Nap type clients use a similar hashing as listed like this:
j.buchanan movie index

6. With all these new and powerful options will their be a basic and an advanced mode to the program? Many people get overwhelmed when given too many options. Most users do not understand how to write or add scripts and have no fathom of html, php, sql or other code to edit or customize the files they export. I think having code windows open like other suggested would be inviting trouble for the average user.

7. After adding a file from disc and having 'Open "Get information from script" window' and 'Auto-run script' selected AMC does just that. All great and well except if the file is multiple parts on multiple discs. When the subsequent discs/files are selected to add the additional file size info the title is changed from the title imputed after scripting to the title of the new file. Even if the title is the same this overwrites the 'Put following prefixes at the end of title' rule. Several options I can see to fix this are to either 1- have the subsequent file(s) title(s) ignored and the field left as accepted by the user after the first file, 2- have the subsequent file(s) title(s) appended to the title field after the first title, or 3- make it that when a discrepancy between titles is noticed the user is prompted to select the one they would like to use. I am not sure if information is overwritten in similar ways if their is a change in format, resolution, etc. but if so these options would apply there as well.

8. A few comments.
a. I hope you decide to follow the earlier suggestion of allowing the user to select which fields are actually displayed in AMC's main window; many of these advanced fields would be useless to Joe Average User. Besides I don't use them all and would like to streamline the GUI to my preferences :wink:
b. Please, please find a way of allowing all previous information to be fully imported into the new version. I personally have almost 1500 movies which I am in the process of adding to this AMC database and might just go mad if I were to have to do it again (although I will probably be adding additional info when the new version does arrive).
c. I see a lot of people begging for the new version. I say take as long as you need to make it right. Rushed releases could lead to databases getting eaten and a large number of unnecessary patches :/
d. Great work so far! Thank you

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Post by antp »

1. Would be nice, but for later :D

2. I plan to save a list of scripts to execute, or something to allow to easily chain scripts

3. I won't read Excel's awful XML, but in current version AMC and Excel can read & write CSV files. The only problem is for pictures, I have to improve that (currently when you import CSV you do not have pictures, there is a small tool on my site to import the pictures after that).

4. You mean import size in Bytes instead of MB ? There is an option for that (well, it still displays the label "MB" in the main window, but it imports the size in Bytes)

5. I do not think that I will add that, but I may try to make a plugin system allowing to add this kind of tools

6. About the script window, I do not think I will change the window very much. I will only add an "option" system where the script can set option in a user-friendly way (i.e. the users will see checkboxes for options instead of having to change values in the script itself). For the HTML/PHP export, I will try to make something much nicer, where you can see a preview screenshot instead of seeing the code when selecting the template. A little like the Report Designer, but not in real time (i.e. it will show a static image, not a real preview).

7. I have to make changes in that, but I do not know how :D

a) As you can see in the screenshots that I posted in previous page, it will be possible to define which field show for each media kind (e.g. a DVD does not have to show the same info than a divx).
b) Current "under development" version of AMC4 can already import old list. I have a long list of movies, so I had to allow to import it :D I still have to add picture support, but all info will be imported. You say that you will have a list of 1500 movies, I recommend to sometimes make backups of your catalog to not have to list them again ;)
c) I will try to make it better than version 3.4.2 (currenly on some PC it crashes sometimes when saving, that's why I say that a backup copy of the catalog is a good idea :D)
d) Thanks ;)

RE: Suggestions

Post by theJABBERWOCK »

1. Great

2. Good enough

3. I was just hoping to use the .xml because it imports with all the fields in colums making it much cleaner and easier to work with. I guess I will just use the .csv and will have to work on the formatting of this method then.

4. Doh! Sorry I missed that option. :ha:

5. Can't Wait

6. Interesting. Any chance of making this window have an edit option, not in code but as a preview only with drag and drop support? For example users who cannot code but want to change the fields shown or the sequence in which they are shown in their exported html's could just check a box of which fields to show and then drag it to where they want it in the preview. (sounds like a good idea but I expect it to be very difficult to implement correctly) :??:

7. Looking forward to seeing it

8. a. sweet b. Wonderful! c. I am a backup mofo

I was suprised by the quick response, Thanks. :grinking:

`·.¸¸,ø¤º°*»I don't exagerate, I just remember big.«*°º¤ø,¸¸.·`
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Re: RE: Suggestions

Post by antp »

theJABBERWOCK wrote: 6. Interesting. Any chance of making this window have an edit option, not in code but as a preview only with drag and drop support? For example users who cannot code but want to change the fields shown or the sequence in which they are shown in their exported html's could just check a box of which fields to show and then drag it to where they want it in the preview. (sounds like a good idea but I expect it to be very difficult to implement correctly) :??:
Maybe that I could add this kind of thing, but it will probably be much later since I would not use it myself, and it will require some work.

Future of AMC, cataloging mp3's and other medias?

Post by Mystiqq »


Will you "leave" or plan to have some sort of extendability, plugin or such support that could be potentially be used to extend the AMC to support various medias, including MP3's and such?

Also, if so, maybe naming it Ant Media Catalog? ;)

I somehow have the feeling this has been discussed earlier but didnt find any reference (at least not in english) about it.

*still waiting patiently* :D

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Post by antp »

- about plugins : I do not know yet if I will make a plugin system. Maybe later. And if I make one, it is to add possiblity of exporting or importing other kind of data (somebody asked md5 checksum of files for example).
- about other things such as mp3 etc. : I do not plan to do that for the moment. But since the program will be opensource, if somebody has time and knowledge to do it, he can modify the program for that.
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Post by Free51 »

je me suis poser la question, si ont t'avais deja parler de la possibilié d'integre un module ftp ou ssh dans la version4, qui permettrais de mettre un jour directement un site web à partir d'un fichier template ?

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Post by antp »

Ça fait longtemps que j'envisage de rajouter ça, mais je ne l'ai toujours pas fait, et je ne sais pas quand je le ferai :D
Mais c'est sur ma liste ;)

For English readers :
He was asking about FTP automatic upload for HTML templates, and I said that I plan to add that for long time, and that I do not know when I'll do it. But it is on my to-do list.
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Post by wheelyy69 »

Tiens je viens de penser à un truc, c'est les doublons... Je m'explique :
Quand on crée une fiche de film qui existe déjà, ben ca la crée quand meme. Ce serait possible d'avoir un warning ? Genre : "Une autre fiche porte déjà ce titre, etes vous sur ?"

In English (smaller version :lol: ) :

I wanted a warning box when you create a film that already exists...
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Post by antp »

I think that somebody already suggested it in this topic.
I'll maybe add that, but it is a "low priority" feature ;)

Post by b2m »

I hate to ask this question but I'm just too curious and it has been awhile since somebody last asked. :/

How far along are you with the development of the next version of AMC ?
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Post by antp »

b2m wrote:I hate to ask this question but I'm just too curious and it has been awhile since somebody last asked. :/

How far along are you with the development of the next version of AMC ?
I haven't worked on it very much since few weeks :/
I had lots of work for my "real job" so in my freetime I did not want to continue to work.
Sometimes I wonder if it will be finished one day :( There are still lots of things that I have to do to get this version 4 finished
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