About next version (4.0) and new fields for movies...

Comments on existing version & Suggestions for future versions. If you want a new feature suggest it here. Discussions about beta versions also come in this section.
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Post by cortexwave »

hi mystiqq,

i can´t also wait longer.... :cry:


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Post by antp »

I do not know.
Now it creates fields in the main view depending of the fields that have been selected.
Next step is one of the hardest : letting the user select the position, size, etc. of the fields :D
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Post by merlin-le-sagouin »

wheelyy69 wrote:French : Salut Antp !
Alors moi j'ai remarqué un pti truc qui me titille et donc je voulais t'en faire part pour la version 4. Dans la version 3, il est possible de transformer le titre d'un film en enlevant le pronom (ex : "Le film" devient "film, Le"). Ca c'est tres bien, mais j'ai remarqué que ce n'était qu'une subtilité d'affichage, et que donc ce film restait classé dans les films commencant par "L" et pas par "F", ce qui parfois pose des problèmes au niveau recherche. Si c'était possible de corriger ca, par exemple en changeant vraiment le nom du film dans la base, ce serait bien...
Hello Antp,
That was the only request i had and whhely69 already posted it.
In my opinion, this will be really useful.

Maybe you could re-think the way to use templates and scripts, because sometimes, i find it hard.

Anyway your soft is excellent and i can't get rid of him. (is it the right word for "m'en passer"?). I don't really wait for v4.0.0 because v3.4.2 is far enough for me, but keep working on it we stand by you!

Last thing : why forcing us writing english? :lol: French is our language after all... :p When you ask something to a english software-developper, you can't ask him to speak french, so why is the opposite not true?

Sorry for my poor english.

"Au Revoir" (to pronounce with an excessive french accent :D )


Post by Mystiqq »

why forcing us writing english?
maybe so that other could understand as well? in example, so that people dont ask same things twice... :P

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Post by antp »

merlin-le-sagouin wrote: Maybe you could re-think the way to use templates and scripts, because sometimes, i find it hard.
Yes, templates & scripts should be able to display custom windows, and let the user configure them in a "easy way" (with checkboxes etc.)
merlin-le-sagouin wrote: Last thing : why forcing us writing english? :lol: French is our language after all... :p When you ask something to a english software-developper, you can't ask him to speak french, so why is the opposite not true?
More people here can read/write English than French. I could say "only English" is accepted, but since I speak french it is nice that people that only speak french can ask questions too. But in this kind of topics, it is not easy if both languages are used together. A solution would be two separate topics, but then I have to say the things always twice :/
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Post by merlin-le-sagouin »

antp wrote: A solution would be two separate topics, but then I have to say the things always twice :/
yes it's what is used on forum.bheller.com, but the english section of the forum is quite empty. I think it creates more sections for nothing.
Anyway, I was just kidding ;)

Congratulations and thanks a lot for your work

Post by el_cid_campeador »

Hi antp

First of all, I want to say that I use your programs (not only de Catalog, though this is my fav and the one I used almost every day to add films to my collection). They are very useful, smart, well-done and and high-quality. That's a fact.

Since I heard there was going to be a new version I'm very impatience to have it, because that means I'll go back to my db and revamp a lot of contents and add a lot of new ones too.

The only thing that makes my a bit sad is your decision about not extend your great software to other media types like music albums or mp3. I thought it was your initial intention, isn't it? (correct me if I make a mistake) Of course, I understand your lack of time, but it's too dificult to let the users modify the name of the fields instead of reduce the posibilities to a fixed and limited number of them? I guess the hard work is on the customizable lay-out (size, position and so on) you are doing. Of course making name of fields customizable could bring another problems and support for getting info from an mp3 file is more work.

Well, I respect your plans anyway. I'll download any soft you'll release.


Coul I ask you what program do you use, if you use any, to catalog your mp3 files or your music albums? What I'm searching for, and is impossible to get, is a program that mix both concepts: albums and mp3s, because I like to have full albums on mp3, not only individual songs. Usualy you can import IDtag info from mp3s or, in the other hand, you can import CDDB (or similar) info but you must put the CD inside your drive. There's no way to get info from a full album in mp3 files... or I haven't find the way ;)

Thank you for all and congratulations for your work.
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Re: Congratulations and thanks a lot for your work

Post by bbdoc »

el_cid_campeador wrote:Coul I ask you what program do you use, if you use any, to catalog your mp3 files or your music albums?
I personnally use "MP3 Collector"...

el_cid_campeador wrote:Usualy you can import IDtag info from mp3s or, in the other hand, you can import CDDB (or similar) info but you must put the CD inside your drive. There's no way to get info from a full album in mp3 files... or I haven't find the way ;)
I use this one, and it's working very nicely... It will allow you to download CDDB information directly for your mp3s albums, and also to rename all files in one click!!

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Post by el_cid_campeador »

Thanks a lot bbdoc but I knew those programs and they're not what I'm searching for. I must be missunderstood, sorry.

What I want is a program with a feature as simple but so powerful as the scripts of AntMC.
I don't want a prog for managing the tags (mp3bookhelper is the best I have found on that).
What I said before was about making my own DB of albums and/or songs getting each album/song info from any or both of those sources:
- an script that gets the data fron a web searching by its title or by its artist (like title of films and the script for IMDB for example)
- getting the data from the files directly (this is not possible with video files because the don't have any system of tagging but it is with mp3s)

I don't know if the existing CDDA would be an advantage or not, but I don't care of the internet source. Parsing html with scripts is a very good solution, as we can se on AntMC...

Did I make a better explanation this time? sorry, but I don't know if my English is good enough

el divxo


Post by el divxo »

when are you planing to release amc 4 ??
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Post by antp »

When it will be finished :hihi:

nasty :P

Post by Mystiqq »

We want AMC4 , we want AMC4! :p
...or any new screenshots ? :hihi:

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Post by antp »

There is not lots of new things since the screenshots of the previous page.
This week-end I will try to make the importation of the AMC 3.3 catalog format (which is used in 3.4 versions too).
Then I still have _lots_ of things to do :/
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Post by Ramses »

Je tiens ici à vous féliciter pour ce superbe logiciel que vous mettez gratuitement à la disposition de la communauté internet.

Je voudrais juste savoir, si il serait possible de rajouter un option permettant d'analyser le fichier vidéo (soit sur le disuqe dur, soit sur le cd ou dvd) afin de pouvoir en extraire toutes les infos utiles : Codec audio et vidéo utilisé, durée ....

Milles merci encore pour ce superbe logiciel et merci d'avance pour votre réponse.

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Post by wheelyy69 »


Ca existe déjà, ca ?????

:??: :hum:
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Post by Ramses »

Si ca existe comment faire alors ?
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Post by antp »

Il suffit de faire un drag & drop du fichier avi depuis l'Explorateur Windows vers la fenêtre du programme, ou d'utiliser l'icône Get Information -> From File.
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Post by Ramses »


Merci pour votre aide

Post by Curna »

I wanted to remember a feature I asked some time ago, just in case antp doesn't remember it and to know if other people think it's interesting.

(It's about a new way to get pictures that I think would be easier and would allow to have big pictures).

And hey, I'm anxious waiting for the next version like everybody !!! But I'll wait like a good boy ;) ;) .
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Post by antp »

Ok, I'll write it because I already forgot it :D
But as I said, it will probably be for later.
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