FilmAffinity 3.04 not working

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FilmAffinity 3.04 not working

Post by masterchipo »

Hello, new script 3.04 does not work
Many values do not work.
Duration, original title, category, extras, and comments.
All this does not appear in the file
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Re: FilmAffinity 3.04 not working

Post by antp »

For me it works (but I tested just one movie)
Compared to 3.03 there is one line for retrieving the picture that was changed.
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Re: FilmAffinity 3.04 not working

Post by masterchipo »

It does not work. I have tried different movies, for example Rampage, Spinning Man, The Cat's Meow and none of them works. The same thing always happens, the different categories or values do not work
Duration, original title, category, extras, and comments.
All this does not appear in the file
Test yourself and you will see what happens
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Re: FilmAffinity 3.04 not working

Post by antp »

For me they work...
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Re: FilmAffinity 3.04 not working

Post by carlosmg2 »

antp wrote: 2018-07-04 17:24:36For me they work...
the updated script has issues on accented characters ( á,é,í,ó,ú). Maybe that's the reason.
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Re: FilmAffinity 3.04 not working

Post by antp »

What kind of issues?
(and again, between 3.04 and 3.03 there is only one line that changed, for locating the image address...)

For problems with different behaviour depending on who uses it, a possibility is that the page is different depending on the location of the user, or that an antivirus or some other software modifies the contents of the page when it is retrieved from the site.
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Re: FilmAffinity 3.04 not working

Post by masterchipo »

I do not understand. He failed again manually deleting script 3.04 of the application in ANT MOVIE CATALOG, scripts, templates etc.
I went to the forum scripts file page and downloaded the 3.04 manually.
I deleted the previous one and pasted the downloaded one again and it worked well
So I can not understand what happened.
It is true, what you say antp, I just looked for script 3.03, I did not find it because I preferred to solve the search of the poster in another way and accidentally it was solved in that way
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Re: FilmAffinity 3.04 not working

Post by antp »

Why don't you update it by running the "update scripts" script?
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Re: FilmAffinity 3.04 not working

Post by masterchipo »

Because when updating from scripts, I gave the error with which I opened the post.
That is to say:

It does not work. I have tried different movies, for example Rampage, Spinning Man, The Cat's Meow and none of them works. The same thing always happens, the different categories or values do not work
Duration, original title, category, extras, and comments.
All this does not appear in the file
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Re: FilmAffinity 3.04 not working

Post by antp »

And what version is shown for the script at the bottom of the window? Always 3.04 ?
Because if it is all the time the same script, the reason is somewhere else...
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Re: FilmAffinity 3.04 not working

Post by masterchipo »

It is always the same script. And it's version 3.04.
the reason is somewhere else...
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Re: FilmAffinity 3.04 not working

Post by ertejeonline »

A mi me pasó lo mismo, descargándolo con "Update scripts" me fallaba como dicen aquí, lo bajé directamente de la web y funcionó. Al abrir el archivo del script que fallaba, todas las tildes aparecían como si hubieran utilizado una codificación que no soporta tildes, el que bajé de la web mostraba todas las tildes bien.
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Re: FilmAffinity 3.04 not working

Post by masterchipo »

ertejeonline wrote: 2018-07-07 18:16:02 A mi me pasó lo mismo, descargándolo con "Update scripts" me fallaba como dicen aquí, lo bajé directamente de la web y funcionó. Al abrir el archivo del script que fallaba, todas las tildes aparecían como si hubieran utilizado una codificación que no soporta tildes, el que bajé de la web mostraba todas las tildes bien.
Es cierto, además me di cuenta que si la película en su título original tiene un signo de admiración (!) o interrogación (?), no te encuentra la película es como si no existiera. Si le quitas las reglas ortográficas puedes ubicarla
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Re: FilmAffinity 3.04 not working

Post by carlosmg2 »

updating via "updater" the resulting script has weird characters where accented characters are.
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Re: FilmAffinity 3.04 not working

Post by antp »

I'll have to check that, maybe some change in 4.2.2 or when I upgraded my server cause this.
However it is strange that it happens only now, since these two changes were a few months ago.

edit: indeed the Update Scripts now gets the file in UTF8, that's annoying, I'll fix that :/
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Re: FilmAffinity 3.04 not working

Post by Heraclito »

ertejeonline wrote: 2018-07-07 18:16:02 A mi me pasó lo mismo, descargándolo con "Update scripts" me fallaba como dicen aquí, lo bajé directamente de la web y funcionó. Al abrir el archivo del script que fallaba, todas las tildes aparecían como si hubieran utilizado una codificación que no soporta tildes, el que bajé de la web mostraba todas las tildes bien.
He tenido la misma experiencia. Me ha sucedido lo mismo que contais.
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Re: FilmAffinity 3.04 not working

Post by esperteyu »

I have a similar problem. Original title, composer, country, category and comments are not working in filmaffinity 3.04
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Re: FilmAffinity 3.04 not working

Post by antp »

May be caused by the problem mentioned above; try to run again "update scripts" to be sure it is updated to version 5.0.3 and then force redownloading the FilmAffinity script (with the "Find more" button in the window that shows the list of updated scripts).
Or get the FilmAffinity script manually from
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Re: FilmAffinity 3.04 not working

Post by esperteyu »

It worked! Thank you very much. I had tried updating with "update scripts", but it didn´t work. I´ve updated manually as you suggested and it works now. Thanks for your help.
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