I have a rather large collection of movies which I had temporarly catalogued in a comma-delimited text file with only the most important information. It was really easy to import using CSV and being able to select which column each delimited value should go to. Great feature!
I have some comments I would like to make.
1. A simple thing that I'm missing when importing data from imdb.com is being able to specify the actual URL for the movie in question instead of being forced to search each time.
2. When importing a bulk of movies with for example the IMDB script, the script assumes which movie to choose even though there are several choices. It imported the movie "Ripley's Game" instead of "Game, The" for example. When importing each movie by it self instead of a bulk of movies you get to choose if several choices.
3. Nr. 2 problem led me to import each movie by itself instead of in a bulk. When an import is complete you are left by the window with the information that was imported. The "OK" button in this window can't be pressed by using the ENTER-key, this is a big annoyance when you have to use the mouse to press it several 100's of times.

4. There are some things I would like to see as multiple choices, for instance Subtitles and Genre. I usually have more the one language as subtitle and most movies are more then one genre.
5. The rating of movies would be better off as floating point values in my opinion. Maybe even keep the number of votees, I much more trust a score when 90.000 people has voted versus 900 people.
6. I'd like to be able to resize certain multi-row windows. Comments comes to mind.
7. It would be nice to see more statistics, like which actor has starred in most of your own movies. How many movies of each rating you have etc.
8. A very good feature you have is that you can group the movie list. What I would like to see with the movie window is that you can resize (read: hide) the ID's.
I hope you like some of the suggestions and once again, it's a great program!