Yes you understood my question. If you forget to change the release info in future versions i can do it myself or you can add the line permantlyRaoul_Volfoni wrote:Hi,
Not sure to understand well your question, but yes you can modify yourself the script with anykind of text editor or the editor include in AMC.
For the release info, i just changed one line, but here is the complete code block for release info.Code: Select all
// Release information if GetOption('Release info') <> 0 then begin Release_info := TextBetween(Release_info, '">', '</ul>'); Release_info := StringReplace(Release_info, '<li>', #13#10); HTMLRemoveTags(Release_info); HTMLDecode(Release_info); Release_info := deleteMultiSpace(FullTrim(Release_info)); if Release_info <> '' then begin Release_info := 'Release info :'+ #13#10 + Release_info + #13#10#13#10; end; end else begin Release_info := ''; end;
Thanks again