Test release for fixing SSL/TLS bug

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Test release for fixing SSL/TLS bug

Post by antp »

edit: new version on viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6862


As discovered recently, SSL module of AMC 4.2.1 does not support TLS v1.1 and 1.2: it uses Indy9 library which supports TLS up to version 1.0.
The discussion was in a thread about the Filmaffinity script: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=6795
Today I recompiled AMC (for the first time since version 3.5, as Soulsnake handled all versions after that) and linked it to Indy10... It works :grinking:

So the good news: AMC seems now to be able to import data from sites like Filmaffinity, MyMovies, DVDFR or MovieCovers in HTTPS, which it was unable to do up to version
The bad news: That upgrade may break a few things, at least for the moment.

So for testing purpose only (!!) here is a first test version: http://update.antp.be/amc/test/amc_421_sslfix_1.rar

I say "for testing purpose only" as I have no idea if all works well. As it was compiled on another computer/environment than previous versions, there may be bugs anywhere.

Known problems:
- broken script functions: GetCookies, GetCookiesWithProperties, DeleteCookies
Possibly problems:
- handling non-HTTPS errors
- cancelling the download of a page/picture
- UTF8 by default
It is quite possible that you get encoding problems with non-UTF8 sites, they changed something in how the text strings are returned, I have no idea on how it will be handled with the various encoding methods encountered on the web :)

If you use this version with your catalog, please often BACKUP YOUR DATA, just in case there is an ugly bug hidden somewhere.
Please report here all errors encountered (except for the three known broken functions mentioned above).

I included in the archive a version of the DVDFR script that seems to work; I suppose that versions for Filmaffinity and MyMovies will follow soon.
I won't have more time for this until April, but then I'll try to fix the three broken functions for a proper beta release.
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Re: Test release for fixing SSL/TLS bug

Post by esperteyu »

It´s working. I´ve tried filmaffinty´s script and it works now. Thank you.
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Re: Test release for fixing SSL/TLS bug

Post by bonneville »

I have cataloged 50 movies with filmaffinity and no problem for now.

Thank you very much.
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Re: Test release for fixing SSL/TLS bug

Post by m2s »

Works well with Filmaffinity in Spanish.
Thank you very much. We appreciate your effort :clapping:
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Re: Test release for fixing SSL/TLS bug

Post by J »

Today I recompiled AMC ... It works
wow, faster than light :grinking: very good.

I so far tested with two scripts:

filmstarts (all http) - everything is ok, as fast as before, text, pictures extras OK. No problem with UTF8 encode/decode.

imdb actor pics (all http - still changed extra pic link from https to http) - everythings works as before
imdb actor pics (https for extra pictures = Original link) - takes 10-20 times as long as http and get back errors for every picture. - used function: 'GetExtraPicture'

OK, looks like I found the reason for the error - Indy 10 does not work with my brand new Win XP
Luckily my preferred script will still work with http, so I can further use XP for a couple of years more :D
Don't worry about this little problem of mine, guess I'm the only one left on this oldtimer OS.

thanks for your efforts on this.
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Re: Test release for fixing SSL/TLS bug

Post by antp »

Indeed XP will have more and more problems with HTTPS... The deprecation of TLS 1.0 in the next months won't help. I'm not sure you'll be able to continue with XP for years ;)

Does this forum work in HTTPS for you btw? As I've read that the type of certificate that I use (which is also used by a lot of sites) is not officially supported on XP, but maybe you had at some point to manually configure something to make these work.
I was planning to switch to HTTPS-only for it, but it would be annoying if some members can't access it at all...
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Re: Test release for fixing SSL/TLS bug

Post by J »

Normally I use the non secured version of the forum, but testing right now with https, it works like a charm with XP using PaleMoon v26.5 browser.
Anything seems to work well and I can't see any problems with the certificat.

btw, forgot to mention, imdb (actor pics) script works fine with W7.
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Re: Test release for fixing SSL/TLS bug

Post by antp »

J wrote: 2018-03-25 10:08:05using PaleMoon v26.5 browser.
Indeed, that one is based on Firefox, which uses its own certificate system instead of relying on the OS.
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Re: Test release for fixing SSL/TLS bug

Post by cinecampillos »

La versión (Test SSLFIX 1) funciona perfectamente con Filmaffinity. Gracias antp.
Version (SSLFIX Test 1) works perfectly with Filmaffinity. Thanks antp.
La version (Test SSLFIX 1) fonctionne parfaitement avec Filmaffinity. Merci antp.
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Re: Test release for fixing SSL/TLS bug

Post by fulvio53s03 »

Wikipedia (IT) funziona OK :clapping:
trovacinema_repubblica funziona OK :clapping:
discogs funziona OK :clapping:
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Re: Test release for fixing SSL/TLS bug

Post by Altober »

First of all, thank you for your work and your time...

I tried with FilmAffinity script (had problems with ssl), and work perfect!!!!

Thanks antp!!
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Re: Test release for fixing SSL/TLS bug

Post by Roberto »

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Re: Test release for fixing SSL/TLS bug

Post by masterchipo »

Perdón, pero no encuentro de dónde descargar la versión Gracias
Sorry, but I can not find where to download version Thanks.
PS However, the version I have installed, 4.2.1 test fix etc, when there is an accent in another language for example French or words in German or Danish does not find the movie
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Re: Test release for fixing SSL/TLS bug

Post by Altober »

masterchipo wrote: 2018-03-28 19:44:38 Perdón, pero no encuentro de dónde descargar la versión Gracias
Sorry, but I can not find where to download version Thanks.
PS However, the version I have installed, 4.2.1 test fix etc, when there is an accent in another language for example French or words in German or Danish does not find the movie
Aquí tienes la url para descargar la Versión Saludos!
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Re: Test release for fixing SSL/TLS bug

Post by masterchipo »

Gracias amigo soy tan bruto que era la que tenía y me di cuenta al descargar que era la misma que tenía pero si alguien me puede ayudar con la segunda parte de mi pregunta (Filmaffinity da errores o no reconoce películas con acentos en francés, alemán o danés o sueco)
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Re: Test release for fixing SSL/TLS bug

Post by antp »

masterchipo wrote: 2018-03-28 19:44:38 PS However, the version I have installed, 4.2.1 test fix etc, when there is an accent in another language for example French or words in German or Danish does not find the movie
4.2.1 test fix =
Problems with accents may indeed occur. For which script & movie title does it happen? So we can fix that.
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Re: Test release for fixing SSL/TLS bug

Post by masterchipo »

antp wrote: 2018-03-29 07:04:46
masterchipo wrote: 2018-03-28 19:44:38 PS However, the version I have installed, 4.2.1 test fix etc, when there is an accent in another language for example French or words in German or Danish does not find the movie
4.2.1 test fix =
Problems with accents may indeed occur. For which script & movie title does it happen? So we can fix that.
Hello friend, almost all the films that are not in Spanish or English. It also does not recognize some words or punctuation marks.
Quai des Orfèvres, Mænd og høns, etc
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Re: Test release for fixing SSL/TLS bug

Post by antp »

With filmaffinity then ? I'll check that, maybe it requires the request to be utf8-encoded
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Re: Test release for fixing SSL/TLS bug

Post by masterchipo »

antp wrote: 2018-03-30 06:36:20 With filmaffinity then ? I'll check that, maybe it requires the request to be utf8-encoded
I do not know, my friend. Maybe it is not automatically. But manual, looking for alternative titles, and removing accents that are not in English, or words together like the German or Nordic language.
As an example, I quote you, that men and chickens, I had to put it like that, because men & chicken did not take it Mænd & høns does not work either
Thanks again
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Re: Test release for fixing SSL/TLS bug

Post by Heraclito »

Muchas gracias. Con esta versión problema solucionado para utilizar el script de film affinity