filmaffinity 3.02

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filmaffinity 3.02

Post by bonneville »

Hola, me instalé el programa la semana pasada, catalogué unas 600 películas y hace dos días que no puedo hacerlo funcionar, dice:

Error connecting with SSL

alguna idea? la versión del programa es:

MovieCatalog.exe : versión (creado el 04/11/2017 5:44:20)
AMCExchange.dll : versión (creado el 04/11/2017 5:44:28)
AMCReport.exe : versión (creado el 04/11/2017 5:44:36)
MediaInfo.dll : versión 0.7.71 (creado el 09/11/2014 21:47:00)

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Re: filmaffinity 3.02

Post by antp »

Possibly something that AMC does not support.
I already noticed that error with some other HTTPS sites. But I don't know what it is, as the HTTPS was not added by me in AMC and don't really have time to check it for the moment.
I suppose soulsnake does not have much more time either :/
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Re: filmaffinity 3.02

Post by Altober »

I have the same problem, unfortunately.
I will wait for a update for this script, because Film Affinity is the best movie webpage in spanish language.

Thanks So Much!
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Re: filmaffinity 3.02

Post by saintwolf »

Same is happening for me.
I hope it can be solved soon. AMC and Filmaffinity make such an awesome combo.
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Re: filmaffinity 3.02

Post by vinuela2 »

Yo tengo el mismo problema
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Re: filmaffinity 3.02

Post by masterchipo »

El mismo problema. Espero vuestra ayuda
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Re: filmaffinity 3.02

Post by carlesaran »

El mismo problema, ¿supongo que tendrá solución?. En espera de ella, un saludo.
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Re: filmaffinity 3.02

Post by Choi2116 »

Varios Días con el mismo problema reportado por los compañeros.

Espero ansioso la actualización del Script por parte los Sabios que abundan en esta Comunidad.

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Re: filmaffinity 3.02


Mismo problema que todos vosotros. Esperando solución. Saludos , amigos.
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Re: filmaffinity 3.02

Post by sergi73 »

por favor alguien que sepa solucionarlo? me temo que aunque se solucione estaremos igual en unos meses...
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Re: filmaffinity 3.02

Post by Arturo »

Me temo que en el script no se puede hacer nada. La solución seria una nueva versión del programa que admita importar la pagina https de FilmAffinity cosa que ahora no se puede.
Un 'apaño' podria ser guardar la página el el disco local y hacer un script que leyera de ese fichero y recuperara los campos, al menos los principales.

En fin que podemos dar es script por perdido. Auque espero estar equivocado.
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Re: filmaffinity 3.02

Post by Altober »

If no one can fix and update the script, could they at least give some help about which part of the script code is necessary to look?
Maybe with some test/error it would be possible to fix the script.

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Re: filmaffinity 3.02

Post by Roberto »

Por favor. Alguien que sepa solucionarlo. Gran favor a los usuarios de este magnífico programa.
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Re: filmaffinity 3.02

Post by antp »

Altober wrote: 2018-03-07 02:05:30 If no one can fix and update the script, could they at least give some help about which part of the script code is necessary to look?
Maybe with some test/error it would be possible to fix the script.
The problem is not the script itself, it is in AMC itself: FilmAffinity changed something in the way the manage the HTTPS, and it is not supported by AMC. We have the same problem for other sites, e.g. or (but fortunately that one still works in plain HTTP).
Some day I should take a look into that, but I don't have time currently. And it is not even me who added the HTTPS in AMC originally, this was done by soulsnake, so I don't even know how it works currently.
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Re: filmaffinity 3.02


Pues... entonces el problema es aún más grave. Esperemos que todo se solucione y pronto.
Saludos y gracias anticipadas.
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Re: filmaffinity 3.02

Post by masterchipo »

Realmente es una lástima ya que no se puede encontrar un catálogo que no sea AMC, que pueda contener descripción de las películas en idioma español, y como les sucederá a muchos, éste es el único que hablo.
Tampoco hay otro sitio que no sea Filmaffinity que tenga la descripción de las películas y actores y todo lo demás a que nos habían acostumbrado, en español.
Mientras tanto sigo utilizando imdb, sin saber lo que dice solo leo los actores y los géneros.
Gracias y recemos para que se solucione.
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Re: filmaffinity 3.02

Post by Altober »

antp wrote: 2018-03-07 18:02:17
Altober wrote: 2018-03-07 02:05:30 If no one can fix and update the script, could they at least give some help about which part of the script code is necessary to look?
Maybe with some test/error it would be possible to fix the script.
The problem is not the script itself, it is in AMC itself: FilmAffinity changed something in the way the manage the HTTPS, and it is not supported by AMC. We have the same problem for other sites, e.g. or (but fortunately that one still works in plain HTTP).
Some day I should take a look into that, but I don't have time currently. And it is not even me who added the HTTPS in AMC originally, this was done by soulsnake, so I don't even know how it works currently.
Well, unfortunately then all we can do is wait.
Hopefully soon you (or soulsnake) can solve it, because if in some moment IMDB stops working in HTTP, AMC will lose all its usefulness.

We understand that you do not earn money with this, and of course you have your personal activities, but it is a pity that the best free cataloguer of movies is losing its usefulness.

P.D.: Sorry for my english, is bad
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Re: filmaffinity 3.02

Post by antp »

Worse case scenario: we can use an external tool to download pages instead of the GetPage function.
There was a solution like that for another script, using the "curl" program. I'll maybe check if I can either use that or make a quick similar tool to distribute with AMC if I can't easily fix it in AMC's code.
But it will probably be for the next month, as currently the free time allowed to my soft & web projects is for the migration of the server, which is done for (except HTTPS not yet configured and errors when displaying some old topics), but still to do for
You registered on the new forum, but until a few days ago this forum was still running on an old version of phpbb2, I had to update it to move to the new server :D
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Re: filmaffinity 3.02

Post by magol »

Vaya faena...

Por favor, intenten arreglar el problema.
Somos muchos los usuarios que usamos este script y creo que no hay otro parecido.

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Re: filmaffinity 3.02

Post by J »

... we can use an external tool to download pages instead of the GetPage function
Unfortunately it's not only the Getpage function but also GetPicture, GetExtraPicture, ...

Perhaps it's the very old OpenSSL-dll (v0.9.6m from 2004!) which causes the problem. I tried to just exchange the both dll with a never version, but this leads to another error saying that SSL library could not be loaded by AMC. But this was as expected, because nearly all never dll-versions need "Requirements: Indy 10.5.5+ (SVN Version or Delphi 2009 and newer)" and the AMC source readme says AMC was compiled with Delphi 7 and Indy 9, which are both not adequate.
But I'm not sure with this, perhaps it's the certificate or something else.

Because I'm not familiar with SSL, compiling or delphi itself, I'm not able to test more in this direction, so if somebody else is experienced with such things it might help to find the reason.

sorry, no better news from me, but it looks like it's much more than just changing a couple of code lines.
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