Is there a limit to how many movies that can be in the list

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Is there a limit to how many movies that can be in the list

Post by Robertg_s »

I just was adding number 3798 in my collection using the IMDB script and it does not bring the information back for that movie.
I went to IMDB in my browser and I see all the information is there.
I also just recently updated to the new version for this program.

As I have added a few more prior to that one today.

The movie I am trying to add is "Hold That Ghost" 1941 any help would be appreciated.

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Post by antp »

It seems that IMDb has changed something on their side, as indeed the script only brings a few info back, a lot is missing.
I'll try to fix the script for the end of the week, except if someone else has time to do that in the meantime.
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Post by boristhecat »

Same happening to me. If I knew how to fix it I surely would but sadly I have no programming skills at all.
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Post by antp »

Script update available
See viewtopic.php?p=42679#42679 for further information