About next version (4.0) and new fields for movies...

Comments on existing version & Suggestions for future versions. If you want a new feature suggest it here. Discussions about beta versions also come in this section.
Bad Joker
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Post by Bad Joker »

antp wrote: sure, but what can I do against them ? :D
nothing ;)

i can understand if people ask in the forum in french, it's okay, but in this thread just french people can follow the suggestions and discussions, so maybe you answere in english... :P not in french, maybe that helps ;)
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Post by antp »

Ok next time I'll translate the question and the anwser ;)

Well, about the new fields, I think that I will only add the fields listed in the first post, allow to display them or not, but I will not yet enable user-defined fields. It will be too much work. If I do not limite a little the feature this version 4 will never be finished :(


Post by cortexwave »


i´ve found your program on the net and had some ideas for the frontend and some functions.

1) i would little improvements in the frontend. what i mean is an other view. now we can see the list on the left and edit-fields on the right side, but it would be great to have an outlook-like view: on the left side one column to sort the movies (by format, genre ...) on the right side a customizable grid above a html-template window.
Something like WENSOFTWARES MOVIE LIBRARY (www.wensoftware.com) --> this prog is ok but yours has a better future i think.
2) HTML - Templates: it would be great to see all the information as a html-template (see wensoftware) all the time. i think that the free customization by users is needed
3) the html-window (a little browser in your program) could also open internet pages and the users could directly copy text or pictures to the data in the grid above
4) GRID: the grid could show all filtered data (filteres with the colums on the left) an also have functions like:
--> coloured rows (for example: wanted movies:blue; loaned out movies: red ..... and so on)
5) the edit window: now you have all the edit-fields on the right. xou could put them togehther to a free edit-window which opens when you doubleclick on a movie in the grid.
6) a ministatistic window would be also great. this would always show some informations (and would be always visible) about the movies:
--> total movies
--> last edited movie
--> last loaned out movie
--> total actors
--> .....
7) some new functions:
a) on right click on a movie --> clone movie (sometimes this funtion could be very usefull)
b) a funtion to change more data together: for example i want to change the format from vcd to divx on 30 movies at once ..... or other things

ok that´s for now ... i hope you understand all my suggestions (my english is bad)

than you for the program and your work.... (more ideas to come :-))

have a nice day

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Post by antp »


1, 2) I won't do a window with 3 panes. I'll keep a list on the left. In version 4 for the main view you will be able to select either classic fields view or an HTML view. The current version 3.x already has a treeview to group movie by a field.

3) well, the user can do that from its web browser, I do not really see why it is usefull to add a web browser inside the program

4) I plan to add colors

5) What's the use ? maybe I'll add that so you can edit a movie without changing the view if you are in HTML view. I'll see later.

6) Probably no (total movies is already displayed, and there is no actors management so I can't easily count them)

a) You can already do Copy, New, Paste, it does the same (but 3 clicks needed, yes :D)
b) You can do that by script : select few movies -> Tools -> Scripting -> Editor -> New. Enter between begin/end :

Code: Select all

SetField(fieldVideoFormat, 'divx');
No problem for your english, it is ok ;)
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Post by cortexwave »

hi antp,

and thank you for your answers.

1) the list on the left: we should have the possibility to customize the columns. i would like to show for example the catalog nr of my movies first and then the title. would it be possible?

3) a browser in the program would be nice if there would be possibilities to drag and drop pictures and texts to the movies directly ... and also to look for information without switching between many windows

4) great ... it will be a great feature

5) ok

6) ok

a) ok
b) a build in function would be easier to handle

8) could you implement a status field (wanted, working, own .....). the couloured rows could be usefull here

thank you very much

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Post by antp »

1) yes, you'll be able to select the columns
7b) I'll maybe add the possibility of making windows etc. with scripting, it should be easy for me to add that and will allow to make kinds of "wizards"/plugins by anybody
8) there is already a long list of fields, isn't there a field for that yet ? if not, I'll add "status".
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Post by cortexwave »

thank you antp.

could we see something like a preview of the new version? it would be great.

thank you

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Post by antp »

There is nearly nothing yet, I am only thinking to how I'll do it, so there are mostly non-visual parts of the program.
When there will be enough to show, I'll post it ;)
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Post by cortexwave »

hi antp,

i looked at the loans window and thought that it would be cool to have the loan out date and return-date here. it also would be great to see if someone overdues (perhaps with colour)

filtering by wanted, working, own (i mean all items in the new STATUS field) would also be nice

ok that´s for now

thank you very much

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Post by antp »

Sure, I'll improve the loans.
Currently there is an history stored in a .CSV file (if the option is enabled in the Preferences) but this should be integrated in the window ;)

Post by Guest »

Salut à tous.

Je n'ai aucune suggestion supplémentaire à faire concernant la V4.0 de Ant Movie Catalog.

Ca devrait en soulager certains, non! ;)

En revanche, je me demandai quelle serai la compatibilité entre la 3 et la 4 (vu la qualité du boulot déjà effectué, j'imagine qu'elle sera totale), et surtout, il sera possible d'attribuer aux nouveaux champs de la 4 des valeurs saisies dans la 3.

Par exemple, j'utilise actuellement la date d'insertion pour comme date de visualisation du film. Sera-t-il possible lors du passage à la 4 de mettre d'office cette date dans le nouveau champ prévu à cet effet ?
Ou même, par un script, de demander la mise à jour d'un champ à partir de la valeur d'un autre, éventuellement en fonction d'une condition.

Me suis-je bien fait comprendre?

Merci et @+
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Post by cortexwave »


i´m sorry but i don´t understand french. could someone translate this post? i would like know what Guest wrote.

thank you

i had one idea for the future html window. would it be possible to set graphics / pictures for genre, sound and so on which could be shown in the html window?
i´ve seen this http://www.xs4all.nl/~xs2www/movies/index.html and thought it would be cool to have this possibility all the time in MOVIE CATALOG.
we could set pictures for genre (here for example a spider) and show them by a variable in the html (like _MOVIE_GENRE_PICTURE_ ????). the same perhaps for loan / format.....


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Post by antp »

I'll add the posibility to link icons to list items, I'll maybe include them in the catalog, so maybe (lots of "maybe" :D) it will be possible to export them

What "guest" wrotes :
I do not have any suggestion to add about V4.0 of Ant Movie Catalog.

This should relieve some people!

But I want to know what will be the compatibility between 3 and 4 (seeing the good work, I guess it will be total), and if it will be possible to assign to the new fields of v4 values from the 3.

For exemple I currently use "added date" as "viewed date". Will it be possible, when upgrading to 4, to put this date in the new field made for that ?
Or even, with a script, ask to update the value of a field using the value of another, maybe with a condition.
My anwser :
It will of course be possible to import the catalogs ! I have to import my catalog, so I have to make something for that :D
I think I will assign v3 fields to the equivalent fields of v4, then by script it will be possible to move fields, I will probably make a "wizard" for that or something easy to use ;)
(in current v3 it is already possible to make a script to move values from one field to another)

My answer in french in case he does not understand english :
Il sera évidemment possible d'importer les catalogues ! Je dois importer mon catalog, donc je vais faire quelque chose pour ça :D
Je pense que je vais assigner les champs de la v3 à leur équivalent de la v4, ensuite par script il sera possible de déplacer des champs, je ferai probablement un "assistant" pour ça ou quelque chose de facile à utiliser ;)
(dans la version 3 actuelle il est déjà possible de faire un script pour déplacer des valeurs d'un champs à l'autre)
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Post by cortexwave »

hi antp,

and thank you for your translation. sorry for the work you had with it.

i hope that the new version of your program comes out quickly ... i can´t wait anymore :D

have a nice day


agree :P

Post by Mystiqq »

i can´t wait anymore
I couldnt agree more with you on that one :P

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Post by alex »

patite question quant au champ FILE LIN, sera t'il possible d'y associer des images suplémentaires avec prévisualisation (et les enregistrer dans le fichierr .amc), sera t-il possible dy lier des fichiers viodéos (bandes annonces) éventuellement téléchargable par un script (cinefil par ex)

Bon courage ..

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Post by antp »

Je prévois déjá que l'on puisse mettre plusieurs images, éventuellement intégrées au catalogue.
Pour les liens fichiers & web, je vais voir si je peux facilement mettre plusieurs liens, je ne sais pas encore comment je vais présenter ça ;)
Mais je vais pas aller stocker des bande-annonces dans le catalogue :o

He asks if it will be possible to use the "File Link" field to have extra images with preview (and store them in the .amc file), and if it will be possible to link to vidéo files (trailers) and download them with a script
So I anwser that I plan to add support for multiple images, that may be stored in catalog.
For file & web links fields, I'll see if I can easily put several links, I do not know yet how I'll arrange that ;)
But I won't store trailers in the catalog :o
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Post by cortexwave »

hi antp,

and thank you for the translaion.

the thing witth muliple images is great ... but then the html view should also have a possibility to show them.

storing trailers in catalog is not very good i think, but if you make some new fields for links then we could link them from internet. i would also like a script to import trailer-links

could the search opion also search for partial titles? ex: "buffy - 122 - title" --> i want to search for "buffy title" but it does not work

thank you very much

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Post by antp »

For the search a "*" may be useful for the example that you gave, but I'll see that later.
I do not know how I'll manage the multiple image yet.
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Post by cortexwave »


i thought about some more fields:

you have SERIES but then there should be SEASON and EPISODE;


for collecion: PERSONAL RATING

have a nice night

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