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Post by franz.b »

Hi to everyone, I'm new in the forum.
I've been using ANT Movie Catalog for a long time and I have a great movie collection. I think it's the best archiving program currently in circulation, but are there any updates? The current version is somewhat dated and I start worrying about future compatibility ...

Thank you in advance
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Post by antp »

It still works fine in Windows 10, which did not introduce so big changes; biggest changes (internally) were in Vista, and AMC was already updated for that.
If there are problems these can be fixed, but while it works there is no reason for a change...
(though that releasing the beta as final version should be done)

While Microsoft does not drop Win32 compatibility, there aren't really risks of problems.
And they have no reason to drop that in the next few years, except if they want to kill their business :D
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Post by fulvio53s03 »

antp wrote:...While Microsoft does not drop Win32 compatibility, there aren't really risks of problems....
You know I really love your program but some problems exist in compatibility with Win10 64bit.... shouldn't it be possible to resolve them?
Why not a 64bit version of AMC?
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Post by antp »

That problem is not related to 32 vs 64 bit, I have no problem from my side with 64-bit Windows and AMC (and most of the Windows 10 are 64-bit anyway), the problem must come from elsewhere.

The only interest for a 64-bit version of AMC would be :
- ability to use more than 2 GB of RAM
- ability to use 64-bit version of Media Info DLL (useless since there is a 32-bit version of it)

The small problem is that for having a 64-bit version it should be completely rewritten in another language, since it is made with Delphi 7, an old environment that only exists in 32 bits.
Maybe it could be ported to a recent version of Delphi, but due to the large number of 3rd party components used I doubt that it would be easily doable anyway (a lot of changes required).

When I mentioned "Win32", that's not specially linked to the fact that it is 32-bit, it is just a common name for the Windows API, 64-bit programs uses mostly the same API.
I mentioned to compare it to the recent WinRT API introduced in Windows 8 and more used in Windows 10 (the programs with the "new style", with a responsive design).
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Post by fulvio53s03 »

antp wrote:That problem is not related to 32 vs 64 bit...
Thanks for your explanations. :grinking:
I'm sorry if I was boring but the impossibility to drag and drop images from the browser to the catalog is very annoying to me. (The same about inserting informations from a movie file using drag and drop).
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