[EN/FR] utilisation des scripts de amc dans un programme

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[EN/FR] utilisation des scripts de amc dans un programme

Post by Guest »

je cherche a developper une application qui recupere des infos sur les films a partir de allocine ou/et imdb....
comme je vois qu'il y a deja pleins de scripts qui de plus sont mis a jour regulierement, je me dis que ce serait stupide de ne pas utiliser ceux-ci. seulement je ne sais pas les utiliser dans un programme fait en delphi.

im trying to developp an application that retrieves informations about movies from allocine and/or imdb...
as i see there are lots of scripts which are often updated, i think i would be dumb not to use them, but i don't know how to use them from a program made in delphi

NB: as i've read most of my wishes for next version are already on the todo list. as i can't remember which are in and which are not i write them all

-txt nfo import
-queuing multiple scripts so that every field can be answered (on some movies allocine doesn't give the original title and i want to get it from imdb) . or best amc could have a priority list for filling each field (i.e for original title : 1.allocine//2.imdb ....and so one for each field)
-improving title recognition when importing from file (i use to name my movies like this : The.Movie.Title.FRENCH.DVDRiP.DiVX) . so that the dots would be interpreted as spaces and word such as French,Divx,Dvdrip would not be considered as a part of the title (possible import from an external list i.e : blacklist.txt) (another way would be to get the imdb/allocine/othermoviesite/.... url from the nfo)
-queuing multiple cds in the way cdautocopy does ( http://sfxteam.org/?page=creation&action=show&id=22 ) so that each avi on a cd/dvd is imported into the database then ejected (maybe a potential problem with multiple movies on a dvd for example)
-storing the name of the video file 'Film.avi' in the 'media label' field.

ce programme etant le meilleur et gratuit de plus je vais pas me plaindre non plus :p
this program, being the best and moreover free of charge, im not gonna complain myself :p

keep on the good work antoine
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Post by antp »

why this mix of french and english ?

for the suggestions :
1 - will be added in 4.0
2 - will try to make a system where scripts can be combined more easily, or at least save options for each script to remember which field have to be imported by whitch script
3 - I'll see... maybe using scripting for that too, probably wait for 4.1
4 - you have so many CDs that it is too much to do that by drag & drop of the files from Explorer ?
5 - will be customizable in 4.0

well, if you want to make your own program, I use Innerfuse Pascal Script version 2. It is not too difficult to use, you just have to define the same functions than what I did (they're listed in the Help file).

version 4.0 will be opensource, so even if there are missing things, you'll be able to add them yourself if you know Delphi

but unfortunately you'll have to wait probably few months before version 4 :/
Posts: 1
Joined: 2003-09-04 16:22:55

Post by phoenixfr »

ok heu le mix francais anglais c pour ke plus de gens comprennent ce thread c tout

french/english mix is for more people to understand this thread
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