Firstly, many thanks for this program - I have been using it for the past few years for my movie/tv collection on Windows 7. I use it "manually", as I know little or nothing about databases and scripts. My questions are:
1. I have been using version 3. I presume I need to update this version - how do I do this?
2. I have 3 catalogs. I can see them when I open the program, but when I look at the Catalog folder in Windows I see only one AMC file called Sample. I tried to export them using the Export function but no file is produced.
Thanks in advance, Gulliver
older version of program and export issues
The version 3.x is indeed rather old.
It was not yet fully compatible with Windows Vista/7 and higher, hence why you do not find the catalog in file Explorer but well in the program. Microsoft added some compatibility trick (known as Virtual Store) for old programs that try to write in subfolders of Program Files.
Easiest way to make a copy of your catalog elsewhere is to do File -> Save As in the program, and save in a folder where you have full write access, e.g. somewhere in the "Documents" folders.
Alternatively, you should be able to find your actual catalogs by going in c:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\...
(knowing that AppData may be a hidden folder)
If you wish to upgrade, cleanest way would be first to remove the old version then install the new one, so you'll get rid of the Virtual Store problem. If you do so, be sure to have your catalogs copied in a safe place, and possibly your prefs.xml & scripts.ini files (also to be found in the Virtual Store) in case you want to keep settings you defined in the program. By default the new version will store the catalogs in a subfolder of the Documents folder, and the preferences files in c:\ProgramData.
Or else you may upgrade over the current version, it will work fine, but still use the Virtual Store. This is not especially a problem. I would however recommend to store the catalogs in the Documents folder rather than where they were by default in version 3.x
It was not yet fully compatible with Windows Vista/7 and higher, hence why you do not find the catalog in file Explorer but well in the program. Microsoft added some compatibility trick (known as Virtual Store) for old programs that try to write in subfolders of Program Files.
Easiest way to make a copy of your catalog elsewhere is to do File -> Save As in the program, and save in a folder where you have full write access, e.g. somewhere in the "Documents" folders.
Alternatively, you should be able to find your actual catalogs by going in c:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\...
(knowing that AppData may be a hidden folder)
If you wish to upgrade, cleanest way would be first to remove the old version then install the new one, so you'll get rid of the Virtual Store problem. If you do so, be sure to have your catalogs copied in a safe place, and possibly your prefs.xml & scripts.ini files (also to be found in the Virtual Store) in case you want to keep settings you defined in the program. By default the new version will store the catalogs in a subfolder of the Documents folder, and the preferences files in c:\ProgramData.
Or else you may upgrade over the current version, it will work fine, but still use the Virtual Store. This is not especially a problem. I would however recommend to store the catalogs in the Documents folder rather than where they were by default in version 3.x