Alternative for javascript

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Alternative for javascript

Post by tuomi »

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Hi. I am new to the forum :)
I have a question. For some time I was involved in writing the template. It is based on the Polish portal The template uses JavaScript, but I noticed that the AMC does not support javascript. Are there any alternatives to JavaScript, which are supported by AMC? If so, please info, what scripts to support this program.
Thanks for your help.
Original polish text: Hej. Jestem nowy na forum :)
Mam pytanie. Od jakiegoś czasu ja zajmuje się pisaniem szablonu. Jest on oparty na polskim portalu Szablon wykorzystuje javascript, jednak zauważyłem, że AMC nie wspiera javascript. Są jakieś alternatywy dla javascript, które są wspierane przez AMC? Jeżeli tak, to proszę o info, jakie skrypty wspiera ten program.
Dzięki za Waszą pomoc.
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Post by antp »

I don't think there is any solution to that, the internal viewer is a rather simplified HTML engine.
So only exported HTML will be able to have advanced Javascript/CSS3, for the display inside of the program it will have to stay basic, sorry.
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