
Comments on existing version & Suggestions for future versions. If you want a new feature suggest it here. Discussions about beta versions also come in this section.
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Post by russjohnson »

I can sort by Original Title (no problem) but the Title Column also displays Original Titles as entered - whereas I'd rather the Title Column actually display Media Label Titles (which are a little different). And I want to renumber in ascending order not descending, which the renumber window seems to be stuck on (can't figure out how to change). I'm using version 4.2.0. Would appreciate any help I can get on this. Thanks.
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Post by antp »

There is in the Preference, in the Formatting options, something to use the media label as title.

In the advanced sort options (of the renumber window and others) there is a button to use descending instead of ascending, maybe that one is enabled on your side? Normally by default it is ascending.
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Still Not Working...

Post by russjohnson »

The advance sort does show the ascend/descend arrows, but it seems to be stuck in the descend mode. When wiggles when I click on it but it doesn't change. There is a similar button along the top of the display screen and clicking it does change the direction but does not affect numbering. When I renumber I want the sort to be ascending on an alpha-numeric basis so that, for example, "Alien" is my first listed movie and it (should be) #1 but it always shows up as #144, whereas "Zulu" at the bottom of my list is reflected as #1---
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Post by antp »

In the window that opens when you click "Advanced" , you have to select the field in the right column then click on the button to invert the sort (it shows then a "-" in front of the field name if it is descending order).
Or if you don't use advanced sort, you just use the button of the renaming window; in such case the button is in "pressed" state (appears blue in Windows 8.1, not sure how it appears in other versions) if it is in descending order, or as regular unclicked icon if it is in ascending.
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Post by russjohnson »

Ohooo! * :) *
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