Requested feature of Antrenamer

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Requested feature of Antrenamer

Post by faxinger »

Hi, I am a very satisfied user of ant renamer but there is one thing that is really annoying:

I would like to search for several (varying) strings in a list of files and then rename them in one batch.

Under: Actions/Multiple string replacement the user can define a list of search and replaces.

But the user is not able to edit this list in an external program like Excel or Word and the user is also not able to import data from excel inside this list.
The editing of this list is not very user friendly because you can not even select more than one field.

Will this feature be implemented in future versions?

This would be great and would help very much.

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Post by antp »

Yes it is on my to-do list following a previous similar request: viewtopic.php?p=40007#40007
I can't say when it will be added. Probably the next time I'll take a few hours for working on the program, as it should not be too difficult to do.
In the meantime, you can go directly in the preferences file (renamer.xml) : the string sets are stored there as a text tab-delimited list, so a copy paste to & from Excel should work.
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Post by faxinger »

Hi can you estimate when the next release will be published and will it have my requested so neede feature?

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Post by antp »

Sorry, I do not know when I'll work on it :/
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Post by Rootover »


i'm also waiting for this great feature...

in the meantime, i tried to edit the renamer.xml, but i can not find it. where should renamer.xml be found? its not in the "Ant Renamer"-directory on drive C


sorry, found it, its in "C:\program data", not "C:\program files"
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Post by CG »

Hi, any chance this feature will appear in the next version ?
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Post by antp »

Yes, but as said above I don't know when I'll make a next version
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