Job start & need of time sparing

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Job start & need of time sparing

Post by Alisarda »

Hello everybody. My old program for movie catalogue is KO, password forgotten and no chance to more than 20 entries loading. So I choose AMC but the fields are too many, I used to write 7-8 parameters for each movie, here I have to write 20 or more parameters. I saw I can manage fields but I don't want to add but to reduce fields. Is it possible? The other chance I can see is to use tab again and again until the end of the page. Any suggestion from you old experts?
I know that AMC is a first class software but my needs now are for essential data-entry and time sparing.
Thanks in advance
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Post by fulvio53s03 »

Puoi inserire i 7-8 parametri che usi per i tuoi film in un foglio excel (1 film per riga, 1 colonna per campo); salvare in formato CSV, importare da tale formato in Ant Movie Catalog dopo avere assegnato i corretti nomi ai campi che hai inserito.

Input your fields in an excel file (1 row every movie, 1 colunm every field); save in CSV format, import from CSV into AMC.
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Post by antp »

You don't "have" to fill all the fields.
You can simply not use those that are not useful for you.
Indeed if you navigate with the "tab" key it may be annoying.
Remove fields currently is not very easy but not impossible, but if you want to spend some time customizing it you may want to give it a try. This can be done by tweaking the translation file.
There are other posts about that on the forum but I can't easily find one so here is a summary:
Make a backup of English.lng or the one you use (just in case) then you can edit it in notepad (or other text editor).
Search for [TMovieFrame]
There you have the labels and fields.
Those starting by L are labels, those starting by E are fields.
When you have LMedia.Caption=Media Label:
it sets the caption of LMedia element
So you can do
to hide that element instead.
By setting Left and Top properties they can be moved, but you may encounter problems when trying to play with that on some fields (like description & comments).
If you use the English version, in the language selection do not forget to chose "English for translations" instead of the default one.
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Post by Alisarda »

fulvio53s03 wrote:Puoi inserire i 7-8 parametri che usi per i tuoi film in un foglio excel (1 film per riga, 1 colonna per campo); salvare in formato CSV, importare da tale formato in Ant Movie Catalog dopo avere assegnato i corretti nomi ai campi che hai inserito.

Input your fields in an excel file (1 row every movie, 1 colunm every field); save in CSV format, import from CSV into AMC.
OK, Fulvio53. Devo dare gli stessi nomi e devo andare nello stesso ordine di AMC?
OK, Fulvio 53, should I use an excel file , using just the same names of AMC and should I use the same order, sequence that is present in AMC ?
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Post by Alisarda »

antp wrote:You don't "have" to fill all the fields.
You can simply not use those that are not useful for you.
Indeed if you navigate with the "tab" key it may be annoying.
Remove fields currently is not very easy but not impossible, but if you want to spend some time customizing it you may want to give it a try. This can be done by tweaking the translation file.
There are other posts about that on the forum but I can't easily find one so here is a summary:
Make a backup of English.lng or the one you use (just in case) then you can edit it in notepad (or other text editor).
Search for [TMovieFrame]
There you have the labels and fields.
Those starting by L are labels, those starting by E are fields.
When you have LMedia.Caption=Media Label:
it sets the caption of LMedia element
So you can do
to hide that element instead.
By setting Left and Top properties they can be moved, but you may encounter problems when trying to play with that on some fields (like description & comments).
If you use the English version, in the language selection do not forget to chose "English for translations" instead of the default one.
OK, Antoine. Thanks for suggestions. I am not able to do all the jobs you wrote about. So I think I will choose between an excel file and AMC using multiple tabs. Just let me know one thing: which is the right place in the AMC template where I should write the very important parameter VHS or DVD ?
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Post by fulvio53s03 »

Alisarda wrote:
fulvio53s03 wrote:Puoi inserire i 7-8 parametri che usi per i tuoi film in un foglio excel (1 film per riga, 1 colonna per campo); salvare in formato CSV, importare da tale formato in Ant Movie Catalog dopo avere assegnato i corretti nomi ai campi che hai inserito.

Input your fields in an excel file (1 row every movie, 1 colunm every field); save in CSV format, import from CSV into AMC.
OK, Fulvio53. Devo dare gli stessi nomi e devo andare nello stesso ordine di AMC?
OK, Fulvio 53, should I use an excel file , using just the same names of AMC and should I use the same order, sequence that is present in AMC ?
1 film per riga e, ad esempio, nella prima colonna scrivi il titolo originale, nella seconda il titolo tradotto, nella terza l'anno di produzione, nella quarta gli attori ecc.
L'assegnazione del nome alle varie colonne avviene al momento dell'import da csv (file ---> Import nel menù principale); CLICCHI SULL'INTESTAZIONE DELLA COLONNA E SELEZIONI IL NOME DEL CAMPO).
spero essere stato chiaro.

1 film per line and, for example, in the first column write the original title, in the second the translated title, in the third year of production, in the fourth performers etc.
The assignment of names to the different columns is done at the time of import from csv (file ---> Import from the main menu); CLICK on the column and SELECT THE NAME OF THE FIELD).
I hope I was clear.
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Post by fulvio53s03 »

Alisarda wrote:... let me know one thing: which is the right place in the AMC template where I should write the very important parameter VHS or DVD ?
Decidi tu: io uso "Media type" come tipo supporto (VHS o DVD), e "Media Label" per la classificazione (LibSala01, LibSala02......., LibCamera01, LibCamera02 ecc.).
Nessuno script di estrazione dati da siti Italiani usa quei campi, quindi sono liberi per i tuoi usi.

You decide : I use " Media type " as a media type ( VHS or DVD ) , and " Media label" for the classification ( LibSala01 , LibSala02 ....... , LibCamera01 , LibCamera02 etc . ) .
No scripts to extract data from sites Italians sites use those fields , so they are free for your use .

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Location: Italy

Post by Alisarda »

fulvio53s03 wrote:
Alisarda wrote:... let me know one thing: which is the right place in the AMC template where I should write the very important parameter VHS or DVD ?
Decidi tu: io uso "Media type" come tipo supporto (VHS o DVD), e "Media Label" per la classificazione (LibSala01, LibSala02......., LibCamera01, LibCamera02 ecc.).
Nessuno script di estrazione dati da siti Italiani usa quei campi, quindi sono liberi per i tuoi usi.

You decide : I use " Media type " as a media type ( VHS or DVD ) , and " Media label" for the classification ( LibSala01 , LibSala02 ....... , LibCamera01 , LibCamera02 etc . ) .
No scripts to extract data from sites Italians sites use those fields , so they are free for your use .

Thanks. I will try ASAP
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