I made a new theme based on the Eyeal code named Vitória Eyeal. The concept for this theme was my hometown city, Vitória (ES/BR) - which is a group of islands: simple, practical and with a beautiful landscape.
This theme was designed for use in HTML AMC-view (in 16:9 resolutions). For a better view, install the 2 fonts ('Marvel' and 'Source Sans Pro') included on the folder 'fonts'.
Preview (1. DVD w/ Disc Label and Watched Icon; 2. BD Default theme):Vitória Eyeal. (w/ Custom Background and Disc Label)
AMC 4.2 required for the extra fields: Backgrounds and Disc Label/ Banner.
Custom Background: Your first background will appear in the layout;
Custom Cases: DVD, Blu-Ray an Blu-Ray 3D will be displayed in different cases - defined in "Item Type" field;
Custom Disc Label (or banner): Displays a custom disc label above of your poster. Set a custom label on a named extra category "Disc Label" (preferably PNG 400x400px).
Watched Icon: Show a icon in marked films (it can be defined as watched movies or borrowed, according to your preference).
Direct Download
Updated Version: Revision with Top 250 IMDb, new icons and more. Send me a PM if you are interested.


How to replicate the look of the preview shots:
Will take just a few minutes to get the same exact look on your AMC catalog.
You can use the TMDB script to download the custom background automatically.
Click here for the TMDb Fanart Script!
For IMDb Top 250, Awards (and more) use the optimized script to my themes (with Top 250 IMDb, Awards and more):
Click here for the IMDb Top Awards Script!
- First of all, you need a custom background.
You can download on the internet, set a film still or make a custom one in HD. Just change the category of the extra pic to 'Background'.
- For a better view, install the 2 fonts ('Marvel' and 'Source Sans Pro') included on the folder 'fonts'.
- You can put a disc label or banner - using the extra pic category 'Disc Label' (400x400 px). Will be displayed on the upper side of your poster.
- The red icon will appear on marked films to represent watched movies (or borrowed, according with your preference).
- The case is defined on the field 'Item Type': DVD, Blu-Ray, Blu-Ray 3D (and others).
Taking a trip down, we got all these icons and buttons on the footer.
I will sort them in a numerical order:
1 - Play your Movie: URL or file path for your film (click to open);
2 - IMDB: Individual URL on IMDB (click to open) ;
3 - Certification: Show the MPAA film-rating (and others) ;
4 - Media Type: DVD, Blu-Ray or BD-3D (others icons included);
5 - Resolution: 480,720,1080 (etc);
6 - Aspect Ratio: Icon for the aspect ratio.
The IMDB script imports the field with : 1 on the end. Ex: 2.35 : 1.
The issue we got is to show the icon, we need something like this: 2.35 (without the final : 1).
We got 2 options: edit the fields manually or make a simple tweak on the IMDB script. So...
(thx Ant for the tip)Code: Select all
Search for the line containing "// Aspect Ratio" Below that, there are a few lines that handle the import of aspect ratio (the block indented in a begin/end). Just before the four lines containing CanSetField/SetField, you can insert the following line: Value := StringReplace(Value, ' : 1', '');
7 - Trailer: Custom field for trailer links (click to open);
I use the Allocine script - for this script, use the settings below:
Bande-Annonce: 3 | Langue Bande/ Ann: 1 |
Script Parameters - Champ perso: Bande-Annonce: Trailer
8 - Audio format: Icon of the audio codec.
Only one value will be displayed, for that set the 'MultipleValuesAudioFormat' option from the IMDb script to 0 (or change manually).
That's it
Direct Download
Any feedback is welcome !! (and sorry for my awful english 2)