create IMDB link file in the media folder

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Post by soulsnake »

Can you please re-post the first version of the script where a .url is created?
All versions are available !

See program name:
- CreateHtmlLinkIntoMediaFolder -> create html links (first posted script)
- CreateUrlLinkIntoMediaFolder -> create url links (second and third posted script)

Posts: 107
Joined: 2012-05-09 21:57:22

Post by rs232 »

I've just realised that and changed my post as you were replaying :-)

Thanks for that!
Posts: 107
Joined: 2012-05-09 21:57:22

Post by rs232 »

Sorry to bring up this old topic gain.

I have a happy database sorted as I need with the .url links in the directory where the media file is sitting.

As a test I wanted to replicate a DB crash and trying to reimport everything from scratch to see if my procedure works fine.

I go through all the steps, but I don't seem to be able to fill in the URL field with the content of the .url file.

I tried to add .url as (in media import/extension) but this way the .url file is consider an additional record rather than a column in the video record also it is reported as filename rather than the content in it.

Is there any simple way to solve this?

P.S. In case I haven't bee too clear with my explanation this it this way:

1 dire called "mynewmovie" containing:
mymovie.url (and the content of this being e.g.

"" should go into the URL field of AMC and not the string "mymovie.url"

Posts: 107
Joined: 2012-05-09 21:57:22

Post by rs232 »

Can anybody give me a hint on how to import the content of the .url file and store this into the URL: filed of the movie record I'm processing?

I'm trying to work out a way to restore my database.

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