cannot change width of Ecountry

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cannot change width of Ecountry

Post by mosk79 »

Hi, I'm from Argentina.
I'd change the location of some fileds in AMC.
Everything ok, except for the ECountry, and ECategory, I change width, but nothing happens.


Country list width is beneath actors (actores)

Thanks in advance.

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Post by antp »

The category field is resized by code so I do not think that it will be resizeable.
For the country field, the size is applied before the window size is set, so the field size change automatically after. But with a value as low as 20 it should be noticeable.
For me it works, I do not know why in your case it does not...
The lines are correctly placed somewhere below [TMovieFrame] ?
Or possibly try with "Width" instead of "width", it may be case-sensitive.
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Post by mosk79 »

Yes, te code is in the right place. I changed a lot of other fields.
Width or width...there is no difference. Country field doesn't change size (no matter the value I choose, 20 or 200).

The problem is I can't choose a country from the list, 'cause I can't click on that part.
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Post by mosk79 »

Another question (picture attached)
It's possible to delete the /10 ??

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Post by antp »

The "/10" labels are named LUserRating10 and LRating10
I guess by putting LRating10.Visible=0 or LRating10.Visible=False it may work
Or else just change their coordinates to put them outside the frame.

I have no other idea for the Width of Country list. Do you use the version 4.2 ?
You can send me by e-mail the whole translation file if you want, I can check it.
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Post by mosk79 »

Thanks /10 now is gone.

I don't know your Email...
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Post by mosk79 »

I'm using latest version of AMC.
I think it's not possible full customization with this version.
Some fields doesn't accept widht or height values.
Seems like some fields like year, lenght...are supposed to be in the right side of the screen, so I must use negative values to put it in the right position.

The first picture shows what I did so far.
The second picture (made it with photoshop) shows what I want to do.

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Post by antp »

The size of the two big text blocks (description & comments) is set by code so you won't be able to set that one.
My e-mail address is in my profile and in the link under my user name... and in the help->about window of the program ;)
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Post by kgytopi »

My idea a SPLITTER between the Description and a comment
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Post by soulsnake »


The fields Category and Certification are resized and positioned by code to strech width properly so you can not change their width and position (for Certification) in language file.
In the same way, the fields Description and Comments are resized and positioned (for Comments) by code to strech height properly.

This is the code used to resize this fields :
procedure TMovieFrame.PanelMainResize(Sender: TObject);
h, w, w1: Integer;
// Manage height for description and comments fields
h := PanelMain.Height - EDescription.Top - 4;
EDescription.Height := h div 2;
EComments.Top := EDescription.Top + EDescription.Height + 3;
EComments.Height := EDescription.Height + (h mod 2);
LComments.Top := EComments.Top + 4;

// Manage width for category and certification fields
w := PanelMain.Width - 104 - 15 - 72 - 5;
if w < 337 then w1 := w - 80
else if w > 479 then w1 := w - 80 - 142
else w1 := 257;
ECategory.Width := w1;
LCertification.Left := ECategory.Left + ECategory.Width + 15;
ECertification.Left := LCertification.Left + 72;
ECertification.Width := w - w1;
I could add something like this in next release to activate auto resize by code of fields Description and Comments only when "PanelMain.Tag = 0 or 1" and/or activate auto resize by code of fields Category and Certification only when "PanelMain.Tag = 0 or 2".
So if you put "PanelMain.Tag = 3" in language file in [TMovieFrame] section, you deactivate auto resize by code of all this fields and you can do what you want with them.
procedure TMovieFrame.PanelMainResize(Sender: TObject);
h, w, w1: Integer;
// Manage height for description and comments fields
if (PanelMain.Tag = 0) or (PanelMain.Tag = 1) then
h := PanelMain.Height - EDescription.Top - 4;
EDescription.Height := h div 2;
EComments.Top := EDescription.Top + EDescription.Height + 3;
EComments.Height := EDescription.Height + (h mod 2);
LComments.Top := EComments.Top + 4;

// Manage width for category and certification fields
if (PanelMain.Tag = 0) or (PanelMain.Tag = 2) then
w := PanelMain.Width - 104 - 15 - 72 - 5;
if w < 337 then w1 := w - 80
else if w > 479 then w1 := w - 80 - 142
else w1 := 257;
ECategory.Width := w1;
LCertification.Left := ECategory.Left + ECategory.Width + 15;
ECertification.Left := LCertification.Left + 72;
ECertification.Width := w - w1;
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Post by mosk79 »

That would be nice!
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