Letter Issues

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Letter Issues

Post by nasair »

I have a strange problem that if I use the multipule string replacement to change: Ferandez to Ferandéz it seems to work, but the second I open the .arb file and edit anything and save it the batch file no longer works. I can upload an example of working and not working.
The reason I am editing the .arb directly is because I use a version of Ant Renamer at home and at work so I can't keep my predefined sets.
Thank you in advance,
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Post by antp »

The file is encoded in UTF8 but without the unicode header.
i.e. UTF8 XML stored in a ASCII file.
So if you use with an editor that does not handle that and that you use special characters (like accents) it will fail.
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Post by nasair »

I'm just using notepad, and it doesn't seem to matter how I save the file. Do you recommend a special editor?
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Post by antp »

Notepad will not be able to edit the file properly I think.
One solution would be using Notepad++. If the file contains at least one accent when you open it, it should detect automatically it is encoded as "UTF8 without BOM" (can be checked in "Encoding" menu).
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Post by nasair »

I tried Notepad++ I opened my working batch and then added:

Code: Select all

Thalia -	Thalía -
Napoleon -	Napoleón -
saved and now the batch doesn't work. Is there a way I can batch add entries to the predefined sets? If so i could always just rebuild them when I switch computers and that should get things to save correctly.
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Post by antp »

And was the encoding set on "UTF8 without BOM" as mentioned above?
Try to add these two entries in the program and compare the file generated by the program with the file edited manually to see the difference. Or send me the file, I can check that if you wish.
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Post by antp »

One more thing: between the old and new string, there is a tab, not spaces, be sure that is what you have used. In notepad++ you can enable View -> Show symbols -> Show whitespace and tab. The tab characters will be displayed as an arrow.
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Post by nasair »

I tried it again, and confirmed that yes I was using tabs and the encoding was set to UTF8 without BOM. Anything else I should try?
Is there a way to import into the predefined list? If so I could always edit my text file and just import it each time I move computers.
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Post by antp »

Try sending me sample files by e-mail (zipped) if you wish... as I do not have other idea of what could be the problem
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Post by nasair »

I'll do that, and thank you for your help.
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