Below some links to my current ANTP SQL export's of my music and movie collections.
These links are just demo's and don't contain my entire collection.
Maybe there are other ANTP users with Joomla on their website and want to use these components.
movie: ... dvdcatalog
Joomla - just to show
I'm glad you like the script, and glad to see it moving forward.. However, please do not remove the copyright. I spent a lot of my personal time on it, and I use these free projects as an outlet to get my freelance business name out on the web.
By removing the copyright on a Creative Commons application you effectively give the whole community a slap in the face. Not to mention it's illegal to do so.
By removing the copyright on a Creative Commons application you effectively give the whole community a slap in the face. Not to mention it's illegal to do so.