Thanks again for fixing allmost the whole problem.

It works , only the one you noticed "Number of votes" does not work allready.
For me, "Number of votes" (stemmen) works. It appears in comments field in AMC, only if you have set the option "Number of votes" to :wvd wrote:It works , only the one you noticed "Number of votes" does not work allready.
gemiddelde is for rating and not for number of votes (stemmen) ... so, you solved the rating problem, that i didn't see, for the second timewvd wrote:I've tried somethings and if you change this line (157):
Value := TextBetween(PageText, 'gemiddelde <b>', '</b>'); // Thanks wvd
for this line:
Value := TextBetween(PageText, 'gemiddelde <b itemprop="ratingValue">', '</b>'); // Thanks wvd
It will work again,
I don't know HTML, but by trying i've got the problem solved, I think.
Funny that I did this the last time for the Rating too.
wvd wrote:I see now that my name is at the end of the line![]()
Code: Select all
// Size
Value := TextBetween(PageText, '<div id="rating"><img alt="', ' jaar"');
SetField(fieldSize, Value);
wvd wrote:... I don't know who add it to the script but,
also thanks for adding the Certification, I didn't saw it before. ...