Script to extract 'Certificate' and 'AKA Titles' from IMDb

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Script to extract 'Certificate' and 'AKA Titles' from IMDb

Post by tinyabode »

I wished to import 'Certificate' information like PG, PG-13, R, Unrated, etc. from IMDb. As also, 'AKA Titles too are needed. Could anyone help me write or help me understand how to write a script for these informations?

Could these scripts be also incorporated into the main IMDb Script?

Of late, I decided to begin writing scripts for importing missing or extra informations from the movie sites. But I felt handicapped regarding certain built-in internal commands in the Pascal scripting. Big thanks to anyone who provides me with the basic knowledge in the scripting language.

I know some programming, say VB and c++, but am new to Pascal scripting.

Thanks a lot in advance.
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Post by antp »

These info are available in the IMDb script I think, you may simply have to enable them (using the options list shown on the right of the scripts list).

For Pascal scripting, if you try to find a basic tutorial for Pascal language it should help with the few basic keywords. For the rest checking an existing script may be enough to find how it works.
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Joined: 2013-12-27 15:38:04

Certification option handled but not AKA titles

Post by tinyabode »


I could handle certification info which I imported in my newly created CustomField. As regards the AKA titles, I could not import them depending on User Country parameter, even though I was able to unhide them in the options. My interst is in extracting specific 'aka titles' into my Custom Fields.

In case anyone has tried, please extend help.

Big thanks again.

P.S.: I modified the IMDb script and saved under a new name. It works fine so far.
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