Hats off!

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Joined: 2007-10-06 07:52:39

Hats off!

Post by cianoz »

I've just discovered this template, a couple of days ago. Absolutely awesome!
You have put every possible feature that someone could desire, great layout(s), absolute flexibility, super customizable. Sincere compliments to the author(s). :grinking:

The only one more thing I could ask is the ability to read custom fields created in AMC. But I'm not sure if I have to ask the template to be able to read them or if AMC itselft shoud export custom fields differently (in <movie> tag instead of <CustomFields> tag). Hope some news will come for this sooner or later.

Except for this anyway this template is fantastic. I'm not skilled in html but I consider really impressive what a good dynamic html page can do without invoking the use of a database or some different complex tool.
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Post by antp »

I suppose this was rather intended to be a reply to an existing topic?
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