Batch "Get Info from Files"

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Batch "Get Info from Files"

Post by bhaineo »


Till now I was using Excel and AMC to keep track of my movie collection due to limitation of fields in previous version of AMC.

Now I have kind of merged the two and put some custom fields in AMC.

I have my files stored on my home server and AMC does have the full file path to each movie entry stored in a custom field. I would like to batch import information from files using Mediainfo.dll.

Currently I am using drag and drop for each file to get the info but its quite tiresome. (431 done and 2142 still to go :??:)
There was a similar request quite some time ago so not bumping that thread again.

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Post by soulsnake »


In AMC 4.1.2, you can import all your media files using import window (File > Import > Media files) and you can also update movies using a keyfield.
When you define data to import on preview list (associate columns to your fields where you want to import data), you can select a column associated to a field to be a key field to compare movies (click on column header to set keyfield).
In your case, you can use column containing full file path to compare movies :
- associate the column to your custom field containing the full file path (click on column to set your custom field)
- set the column as keyfield
Then associate all others columns to your fields where you want to import data, click on Import button and select update movies.
All your movies should be updated with media info.

Posts: 6
Joined: 2011-08-29 06:19:37

Post by bhaineo »

Stupid me...

Thanks a lot soulsnake for pointing it out and antp for adding that functionality...

U guys rock!!!

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Post by antp »

bhaineo wrote: Thanks a lot soulsnake for pointing it out and antp for adding that functionality...
It was added by soulsnake, like all new features after version 3.5 ;)
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