Import cover from filename

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Import cover from filename

Post by otreux »

I wish I had all the covers of the same size and resolution. I would have thought of exported all the covers and then transform them with some program that has the batch function, but after how do I care? And 'possible?

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Post by soulsnake »


In AMC 4.2 BETA, you can resize pictures automatically during import (see preferences > Picture importation) or after using tools > manage pictures.
You can download it and try it here:

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Post by otreux »

thanks Soulsnake, your program is always the best ;)
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Post by otreux »

I have a problem, when I click on one of the last 2 options from the manage pictures...command, AMC tell me that convert the cover and in the picture windows I see the images resized BUT when I click on the cover I see always the old format :(
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Post by soulsnake »


Do you set a max width and/or a max length before conversion ?
I test it and this works fine for me.

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Post by otreux »

soulsnake wrote:Hi,

Do you set a max width and/or a max length before conversion ?
I test it and this works fine for me.

yes, I repeated the test 2 times because I did not know which of the last two items was the right one for me (I have only one file .amc with the covers incorporated). Besides the conversion, in both cases, it was very fast, about 1 minute, I think it impossible to convert all the photos in a file of about 400 mb. My doubt is that maybe I should have the covers out of the .amc, this is the problem?
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Post by soulsnake »

This is strange.
1 min is not impossible because this takes 30s on a notebook with a catalag of 100mo and 1000 movies.
Conversion works if your pictures are stored or copied or only linked (with last option).
What value do you put in max width or max height ?
What is the size of the original pictures ?

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Post by otreux »

soulsnake wrote:This is strange.
1 min is not impossible because this takes 30s on a notebook with a catalag of 100mo and 1000 movies.
Conversion works if your pictures are stored or copied or only linked (with last option).
What value do you put in max width or max height ?
What is the size of the original pictures ?

the first time 1200x1400, the second 700x955. The original have many different size.

I did a test, I pulled out all the photos from the archive and I converted with a program called PhotoZoom Professional, the operation lasted 30min, I think there is something strange in the conversion of AMC.

My PC is Intel Core i7, 8 giga RAM
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Post by antp »

30 min to convert 400 MB of pictures on a i7 seems really slow, so that other program is maybe a little slow.
1 min however seems a little fast :D (or maybe not, as I compare that to my 4-year-old laptop)

Can you try to make a catalog with two or three movies, then check if the resize works or not. If not, send that catalog to check if there is special in these pictures? (maybe something unsupported in the pictures you have)
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Post by otreux »

I have uploade the rar.file here ... ETA%5D.rar

thanks :)[/url]
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Post by soulsnake »


I try with your sample catalog and conversion works fine for me.
The problem is pictures are to small.
Conversion never oversize pictures. So if you have a picture of 350x400 pixels and you want to resize it to 700x955 pixels, the picture will not be resized.
Also, conversion always keep the same picture ratio and only occurs if needed to avoid to lose picture quality.
(e.g. [maxWidth = 200] -> Resize on specified width, [maxHeight = 300] -> Resize on specified height, [maxWidth = 200, maxHeight = 300] -> Resize on width or height to fit in the specified rectangle).

Maybe this is not what you expect.

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Post by fulvio53s03 »

Very interesting...
Do you think it could be possible to have a report about pictures resized? :D
I think it should be very interesting to get format and size (original and changed) of every picture resized (with its formatted title and number, obviousely).
Thanks. :grinking:
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Post by otreux »

the problem is the format that you have to download almost all the old movies are small. Inside the archive there is also a movie (Rope) which has a resolution of 420x590 and I'm not even that converts to 700x900. At this point if AMC can't convert these covers, the best solution would be to allow some external program to modify and then add an option to AMC to import covers from the name of the movie

Fulvio: let him feel these things you have already fix almost all the scripts that are no longer :hihi:
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Post by soulsnake »

the problem is the format that you have to download almost all the old movies are small. Inside the archive there is also a movie (Rope) which has a resolution of 420x590 and I'm not even that converts to 700x900. At this point if AMC can't convert these covers, the best solution would be to allow some external program to modify and then add an option to AMC to import covers from the name of the movie
If you want to oversize pictures or make advanced transformations on pictures with an external program, this is very easy:
- Tools > Manage pictures > Choose option to copy each picture in pictures folder of catalog.
- Make some transformations on pictures in pictures folder of catalog with external program like XnView
- Tools > Manage pictures > Choose option to store each picture in catalog (if you want to store pictures in catalog)

Do you think it could be possible to have a report about pictures resized? grin
I think it should be very interesting to get format and size (original and changed) of every picture resized (with its formatted title and number, obviousely).
Why not but this could be huge.
I could generate a complete log in AMC data folder as I have already done during import of movies from files.

For now you can make a script to do what you want.
I added all functions to do the same transformations and more to know all about images (size, width, height, ...).
So you can generate a report as you want.

Last edited by soulsnake on 2013-08-23 10:33:45, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by otreux »

fantastic, for me this is more than enough :)
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Post by fulvio53s03 »

otreux wrote:...Fulvio: let him feel these things you have already fix almost all the scripts that are no longer :hihi:
Sorry, I don't understand what do you mean.... (your words translated to Italian have no meaning)... :??:

Anyway, I will try to make a script as suggested by Soulsnake...
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Post by otreux »

Ciao Fulvio :)
Dicevo che sei un po' latitante in questo periodo e quasi tutti gli script vanno male o sono defunti ;)
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Post by fulvio53s03 »

otreux wrote:Ciao Fulvio :)
Dicevo che sei un po' latitante in questo periodo e quasi tutti gli script vanno male o sono defunti ;)
Può essere.... apri dei topic sugli script che non funzionano, indicando anche i sintomi.... se non io, magari qualcun altro potrebbe sistemarli.

maybe... open topics about them and say what is KO... maybe somebody could repair them....
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Post by fulvio53s03 »

fulvio53s03 wrote:Può essere.... apri dei topic sugli script che non funzionano, indicando anche i sintomi.... se non io, magari qualcun altro potrebbe sistemarli.
Nessun dettaglio ulteriore.... allora gli scripts funzionano.... o no?
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