I've decided that IMDB's multiple category function is a bit too detailed/OTT for my collection. However, I've used it for years so there's a lot of entries to change!
I see that IMDB's simple/single category function simply takes the first value and ignores all others which is what I'd prefer.
"Adventure / Biography / Drama / History / War"
simply becomes
Rather than resorting to the IMDB script to accomplish this and eating bandwidth, are there any scripting functions I could use to truncate the detailed entries I already have?
So, all over values after the first instance of "/" are erased in the category field?
Can a script be used to truncate fields at a certain point?
You can use the little script below to keep only the first value in field category.
Run this script on all your movies and it is done
You can use the little script below to keep only the first value in field category.
Run this script on all your movies and it is done

Code: Select all
program KeepOnlyFirstValueInFieldCategory;
s: string;
i: Integer;
s := GetField(fieldCategory);
i := Pos('/', s);
if i = 0 then
i := Pos(',', s);
if i = 0 then
i := Pos(';', s);
if i > 0 then
s := Copy(s, 1, i-1);
s := Trim(s);
SetField(fieldCategory, s);
Last edited by soulsnake on 2013-07-27 12:12:31, edited 1 time in total.