error when closing AMC 4.2

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error when closing AMC 4.2

Post by J »

hi soulsnake,

I got a reproducable error (code 1400) and strange behavior when I try to close AMC with the close button on upper right corner and opened extra manager. The programm´s still running, but catalogs name as well as pictures are vanished.


Need to close AMC with task manager then.

Sometimes I also get an second error, but not sure how to reproduce it.


attached find the sample catalog and template I use.
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Post by Pinou »

Good morning ladies and gents,

I got the same error here (#2 on J's list):


It happens mainly with the scripts. When it occurs, you have to close the scripting window and relaunch it otherwise this pops up every time you try to do something.

I can reproduce it easily by launching the update script in mode 1 for example then when a random script is updated, I launch another script and bingo! (Windows 7 64bits, .amc or .xml catalog, portable or classic install).

I also noticed a big part of the scripts are not working, most of them have connection error and the IMDB script never ends (you have to click on the stop button and no info is loaded in the database eventually).

I hope it helps :)
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Post by soulsnake »

Thanks for your reports.
I will try to reproduce these bugs and fix them when I will have time.

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Post by J »

The "access violation" error happens more or less often when I´m clicking through the entries of my example catalog.
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Post by soulsnake »

Hi J,

I found and fixed the "access violation" error.
I can not reproduce the first bug with code error 1400. Can you explain more how this happens for you ?

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Post by J »

hi soulsnake,

the error appears every time I do the following:

- Start AMC (zipped version)
- Open a catalaog (doesn´t matter which one, but must have extra data)
- choose a movie
- open extra data with button (show movie extras) or have it already open
- close AMC (without saving)

AMC is still running then and I can click the different movies, but the "extra data window" ist always empty. The error occurs again after every click on something. Can´t do save or load nor close the program and have to kill the AMC then with task manager.


My system is a very old XP SP1.
I guess it must be a problem with the extra data window, because old catalogs work nice. It also works fine if you keep "extra data window" closed.

Btw. when opening a catalog with already opened extra data, the thumbnails of extra data do not appear before I changed to another window and back, just gray circles are shown forever.

I´ll test this later on my WIN 7 and give you feedback.


Same in WIN 7.
I noticed that all thumbnails appear immediately when I focus the mouse over the extra data window. No difference between catalog stored or external pictures.

--> the error occures every time the thumbnail-loading/refreshing doesn´t work correctly (gray circles). When I´m loading the catalog, then open the extra data and see the thumbnails immediately all is good, when not I get the error.
--> error occures also every time after I had the access violation error.
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access violation error again

Post by J »

Still get sometimes an

access violation error at 0072A7E8. Read of adress 028EC008

with AMC when browsing through a catalog with my dark template (including stills and actor images).

clicking on another movie then always pops up error message. When I change window to another program and change back I can make 2-4 clicks without the error, then it appears again every time.

The error also appears when I change from HTML-view to field-view and back.

strange thing. :(
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Post by soulsnake »

Hi J,

Sorry for this bug.
This bug has been fixed for next update but I can't release this new update for now because I am in vacations. I will release the new update in 2 weeks or less.
This bug should occur only if you include extras in HTML template.

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Post by J »

This bug has been fixed for next update
Good news, thank you.
wish you a relaxing vacation.

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If ExtrasDockedWidth too big

Post by kgytopi »

Hi soulsnake!

I've found a minor bug: if I set the width of the extra window too large (1174 px), I'm not able to set it back to its previous value.
I can only fix this by changing the values of the Prefs.xml ExtrasDockedWidth.
My monitor's resolution is 1680x1050px.

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Post by antp »

For other bugs, it is better to continue to post them on the general topic about beta version:
It is probably easier for soulsnake to follow the reports if all are there rather than on several topics ;)
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Post by kgytopi »

antp wrote:For other bugs, it is better to continue to post them on the general topic about beta version:
It is probably easier for soulsnake to follow the reports if all are there rather than on several topics ;)
ok, posted it to the right place
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