hi soulsnake,
the error appears every time I do the following:
- Start AMC (zipped version)
- Open a catalaog (doesn´t matter which one, but must have extra data)
- choose a movie
- open extra data with button (show movie extras) or have it already open
- close AMC (without saving)
AMC is still running then and I can click the different movies, but the "extra data window" ist always empty. The error occurs again after every click on something. Can´t do save or load nor close the program and have to kill the AMC then with task manager.
My system is a very old XP SP1.
I guess it must be a problem with the extra data window, because old catalogs work nice. It also works fine if you keep "extra data window" closed.
Btw. when opening a catalog with already opened extra data, the thumbnails of extra data do not appear before I changed to another window and back, just gray circles are shown forever.
I´ll test this later on my WIN 7 and give you feedback.
Same in WIN 7.
I noticed that all thumbnails appear immediately when I focus the mouse over the extra data window. No difference between catalog stored or external pictures.
--> the error occures every time the thumbnail-loading/refreshing doesn´t work correctly (gray circles). When I´m loading the catalog, then open the extra data and see the thumbnails immediately all is good, when not I get the error.
--> error occures also every time after I had the access violation error.