I have some files containing the double-quote character, e.g.
Filename: On “Lord Warden” ferry.jpg
I want to change this to single-quote, as
Filename: On 'Lord Warden' ferry.jpg
Renamer log tells me "Not renamed - new name same as old name".
I tried escaping the double quote char with \", "", '", ~", %"%, but none of these worked.
Is this possible? I am using Win7.
Replacing " (double-quote) character
Thank you, you are absolutely correct!! The file names must have been generated in Word or something with 'proper' left and right printers quotes. I just typed (") into renamer so of course it could not find them. Cut'n'paste from the explorer listing into renamer now works fine.
Maybe a more specific log message ('find' string not found?) if you ever get time to do an update
Just want to say I find renamer an enormous help in bringing consistency to the naming convention for my thousands of photos. Especially as I keep changing my mind on the best convention
Maybe a more specific log message ('find' string not found?) if you ever get time to do an update

Just want to say I find renamer an enormous help in bringing consistency to the naming convention for my thousands of photos. Especially as I keep changing my mind on the best convention

That's true from the software point of view but doesn't give the user much of a clue about what s/he did wrong.antp wrote:
I could maybe change the message to "Nothing to do for this file".
Yes, the logic for user friendly error messages is not so easy. On the other hand, writing informative error message code can be easier than writing comprehensive help files that include all possibilities.Or something like you suggest, which must then depends on the selected action (as it is already the case for some of them, I think).