Database suddenly misses about 60 entries!

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Database suddenly misses about 60 entries!

Post by Rubberduck »

I use AMC quite often. Latest number of entries was about 675 files/movies.
Yesterday i started the programm and i was shocked to see that about 60 entries were missing. It seems the database i opened was somewhat out of date (too old).

What has happened? Any chance of restoring the real db with my correct entries?
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Post by antp »

Check if you can find a .bak file in the same folder, which is the catalog renamed before the last time you saved.
Without more info, I do not know what could have happened. There isn't really a reason why it would "lost" movies like that.
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Post by Rubberduck »

Okay. But hopefully there is more than one .bak file. I accidently saved the opened db because i didn't realised the wrong number of entries in the first way.

In another post i read about the virtual store. I hope this might work out for me. Gotta try..... :/
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Post by antp »

No, only one .bak is kept.
It might be related to the virtual store if you made change to permissions settings or UAC settings very recently.
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Post by Rubberduck »

Thank god! I was able to retrieve the data from the virtual store :grinking:
Don't know...i musta have been freaking around with the UAC somewhat :/
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Post by antp »

Good :)
But that means that you stored the catalog somewhere in a Program Files subfolder?
It is better to store it in a folder where you have full access (e.g. Documents subfolders). By default AMC 4.1 does not store anymore data in Program Files subfolders but if you upgraded from a 3.x version files weren't moved.
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