How to update movie data using the Import Tool

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Joined: 2012-09-22 15:15:46

How to update movie data using the Import Tool

Post by QQuix »

I would like to batch-add some data (e.g. Media Label) to existing records.
I tried to import the same CSV file over and over and it always creates a new record.
When importing, it says "1 movie imported / 0 movies updated", which implies there is a way to update.
The option "Allow to clear fields when new values are empty" also implies there is a way to update data.
I just can't find it. Most likely, I am overlooking something obvious.

Any help would be appreciated.
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Post by soulsnake »


When you define data to import on preview list, you can select a column associated to a field to be a key field to compare movies (click on column header to set keyfield). Values in selected key field should be unique to identify same movies. You can use number, title or filepath as key field for example.
In last version 4.1.2 BETA, this is better explained. Sorry.

Posts: 2
Joined: 2012-09-22 15:15:46

Post by QQuix »

It worked fine.
Thank you fot the tip and the amazing program.
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