strange behavior when mouse is over Title list

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strange behavior when mouse is over Title list

Post by chicofox »

When I click on a movie title, nothing gets populated into the Movie Fields until I move my mouse outside of the list. There is a lot of cpu activity going on while the mouse is over the list, however.

I used Sysinternals' Process Monitor to capture the events:

Operation: RegOpenKey
Path: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CTF\KnownClasses
Detail: Desired Access: Read

This event executes about 135 times per second when the mouse is over the title list. I'm using Windows 7, SP1, 32-bit, Intel Core2 Quad CPU, 4GB ram.

Any idea why? It severely hampers using this fine program.
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Post by soulsnake »


I don't know what it's happening...
I never had this problem before and I use the same operating system.
Maybe it is a focus problem.
Actually, when you move mouse on movielist, movielist takes focus automatically if it had not the focus already.
You can try to deactive autofocus au movie list / html viewer.
For this, open the file "prefs.xml" in "%ProgramData%\Ant Movie Catalog" (for installed version) with a text editor and search the word "AutoFocus".
Change the value AutoFocus="-1" to AutoFocus="0" !
This option will be directly accessible in preferences in next release (4.1.2).

Look if the problem is always here or not.

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Joined: 2012-08-23 02:26:14

Post by chicofox »


There is no autofocus in the prefs.xml. I tried putting it in the <MovieList> tag but it had no effect :(
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Post by soulsnake »

You have to use the last version (AMC 4.1.1) to have this option in prefs.xml ;).

Posts: 6
Joined: 2012-08-23 02:26:14

Post by chicofox »

So I was mistaken thinking that I had the latest version of the program. When I updated, the problem went away. Thanks for your help!
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