Comments on existing version & Suggestions for future versions. If you want a new feature suggest it here. Discussions about beta versions also come in this section.
soulsnake wrote:
The reload of values in all combo-box after execution of scripts have been forgotten in AMC 3.5.1 that why this version run faster.
Actually it was not forgotten: it was designed that way
I found that better in v3.5 than in v4.
In v4 it adds values to lists before I have time to fix them (e.g. country set to "USA" by Allociné script, though that I prefer to put "États-Unis" so I change it after script execution)
what do you mean by "no place"?
He means adding the info to the status bar, where it shows "14 movies (5 visible)"
it could be "14 movies (5 visible, 6 checked, 2 selected)"
or possibly "14 movies (5 vis, 6 chk, 2 sel)" if it is too long
Yes it is what I mean.
When you have a lot of movies it is too long.
I will try with second solution but I am not sure we will see all info with a lot of movies .
so the restriction is the actual given space in the lower right corner and not a technical problem to count the selected movies, right?
Currently the status line is divided in three parts for different kind of information and I thought it should be easy to "widen" the space for the right part at the cost of some space for the left one. Well, I´m working with a 1680px screen so I guess the left part afterwards is still wide enough for all the other status information - however I do not know how much max. space is needed in lower resolution nor how complex this change would be.
Anyway, showing the additional info somewhere else seems not very convincing to me because of a break of related info, but I would also be happy with such a solution.
So if there is no technical or complexity or time restriction you may find a sufficient solution for this.
When I started the program most of the screens were 800 or 1024 pixels wide.
Now they are always at least 1280.
So I do not think it would cause problem if you increase the size of the box on the right
La liste de films et la liste de la fenêtre d'importation utilisent maintenant un tri naturel (détecte automatiquement les nombres) plutôt qu'un tri normal pour comparer les chaines de caractères.
Merci pour cette nouvelle fonctionnalité, cependant quand je renumérote les films en fonction du film formaté, je me retrouve avec une différence;
Ma liste l'écran est bien classée par ordre alphabétique, mais les numéros des films ne sont plus dans l'ordre.
antp wrote:La renumérotation n'utilise pas (encore) le tri naturel on dirait
Effectivement je ne l'ai pas ajouté pour la renumérotation et le tri des films à exporter/imprimer. Je l'ajouterai pour la prochaine mise à jour. Faut-il l'ajouter encore ailleurs? Faut-il ajouter une option dans les préférences pour ceux qui souhaiteraient garder le tri normal sur les chaînes de caractères?
Si option rajoutée, elle devrait s'appliquer à tous les tris.
Oui bien sûr ceci serait une option globale.
Je ne sais pas si c'est utile ou non par contre.
Aux utilisateurs de me dire. Je rajouterai cette option seulement si une ou plusieurs personnes souhaitent garder le tri normal.
Je pense que la plupart des autres tris (renumérotation, impression, export) passent par la même fonction
Effectivement, la modification des fonctions CompareAdv et CompareStd dans movieclass.pas devrait suffire. Cependant je posais juste la question au cas où j’oubliais quelque chose .
Hi Soulsnake:
I am happy to confirm the fix for US English regional date formats with the latest 4.1.1 [BETA] update (31/05/12).
I tested both opening an AMC 3.5.1 xml catalog in AMC 4 and also using MediaPortal/MyFilms plugin AMC 4 xml format. 6/4/2012 displayed correctly (instead of changing to 4/6/2012 as it did before) and thus it is saved correctly as 2012-06-04 when I save the catalog in AMC 4 XML format.
Hi Soulsnake:
I am happy to confirm the fix for US English regional date formats with the latest 4.1.1 [BETA] update (31/05/12).
I tested both opening an AMC 3.5.1 xml catalog in AMC 4 and also using MediaPortal/MyFilms plugin AMC 4 xml format. 6/4/2012 displayed correctly (instead of changing to 4/6/2012 as it did before) and thus it is saved correctly as 2012-06-04 when I save the catalog in AMC 4 XML format.
Hi, I wanted to say thnxs for continuing this great program, is good to get a lil bit of fresh air on this...
Now, I would like to request a couple new features if it's possible.
01- An option to optimize a catalog with included pictures. Basically convert pictures to JPG or an optimized PNG. It happened to me that I added more than 1000 movies and most pictures were on PNG or BMP format, the program just don't touch the images when saves the catalog so it's a total pain to load or save a catalog. I've tried the new format and also setted up to save the images on the same folder where the catalog is, and it doesn't extract the images by itself so it's kinda useless to set that if it's not automatic and there you have suggestion 2
02- Could it be possible that when you select keep pictures in same folder where catalog is to automatically extract the pictures when you save the catalog first time when you check that option? coz currently if the pictures where IN the catalog and the option is checked it keeps them unless you do the extraction manually.
Well I guess that's all I have in mind to be added to the program... Would be nice to see them if it's possible