I've made a copy of my movies on an external drive for friends. I've create the extact same folders structure and names on the external drive. Ant is also on this external drive with a copy of my catalog. But this drive will change of attached computer often. So it will change of drive letter.
In my amc catalog i use the "web adress" to play the movie
by exemple on my computer:
Code: Select all
F:\KINO\FILMS\VF\A Pied, A Cheval & En Voiture 1957\A Pied, A Cheval &
En Voiture 1957.avi
but on another computer it may be
Code: Select all
G:\KINO\FILMS\VF\A Pied, A Cheval & En Voiture 1957\A Pied, A Cheval & En Voiture 1957.avi
Code: Select all
E:\KINO\FILMS\VF\A Pied, A Cheval & En Voiture 1957\A Pied, A Cheval & En Voiture 1957.avi
I don't know how to do. I've found the following software but it must be installed on the computer:
USB Drive Letter Manager for Windows
I would like to stay in a complety (trans)portable environnement so all of my friends can use this usb drive to lanch directly the movie from amc or ant viewer.
I didn't found the answer in your forum.
Thank's for any advice
