Call one script from another script

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Call one script from another script

Post by rs232 »

I'm starting to have my regular 2-3 files I run every time I add movies. So I was thinking... given script1 scrip2 and script3 what would it be a syntax to create a parent script that calls in order my 3 custom scripts?

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Post by antp »

From what I remember, you can't directly combine scripts.
i.e. there is nothing to just call a script (maybe this should be added, but it would require a few heavy changes I think).
You should then create a new script combining the other ones, merging the options blocks and the "begin..end" blocks at the end of each script code (to call all the required functions that could be put together if they are different names - but as many scripts are made on the same basis the functions probably have the same names so they would have to be renamed).
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