[FR][EN] Ant Movie Catalog 4.2.1 (04/11/17)

Comments on existing version & Suggestions for future versions. If you want a new feature suggest it here. Discussions about beta versions also come in this section.
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Post by soulsnake »

Ant Movie Catalog 4.1.1 [BETA] update (18/03/12) released ! :grinking:

Please see first post for more details! ;)

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Post by gandalf77 »

Just let me say a thousand thanks. I'm very new to this program and i'm amazed on what you're doing here.
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Post by gigi1250 »

tout d'abord merci pour ce soft qui evolue encore ;)
cependant comme cité plus haut ds le post j'utilise le template 4.0 from bergware et lorsque je cree mon fichier XML, les dates sortent au format yyyy-mm-dd; hors pour que le tri sur la colonne date d'ajout se fasse il faudrait qu'elles soient au format dd-mm-yyyy.
j'ai bien installé la version 4.1.1 du 18/03 mais cela n'a rien changé lors de l'export xml....sous la version 3.5.1 c'etait OK et apres un rapide test sur ce template çà marche donc cela vient bien du format de la date d'ajout.
de plus je ne peux plus utiliser la version car ma base ne s'ouvre plus :j'imagine qu'il n'y a pas de retrocompatibilité.

y a t-il une solution à mon prob ?
et encore merci pour le temps passé à développer ce soft que j'utilise depuis qqs années déja.
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Post by soulsnake »

Bonjour gigi1250,
lorsque je cree mon fichier XML, les dates sortent au format yyyy-mm-dd; hors pour que le tri sur la colonne date d'ajout se fasse il faudrait qu'elles soient au format dd-mm-yyyy.
Effectivement les dates sortent au format yyyy-mm-dd avec AMC 4.1.X.
Avec AMC 3.5.1 les dates sortaient au format local (en fonction des paramètres de Windows) et donc pouvaient poser des problèmes lorsque l'on utilise sa base sur une autre machine qui n'a pas le même format de dates.
C'est pour cela que maintenant les dates sortent TOUJOURS au format yyyy-mm-dd.

Pour ton problème avec le template, il faut modifier la façon dont est lu la date. J'ai regardé et il suffit de remplacer ces lignes 571-575:

Code: Select all

switch (system){
 case 'dmy': ymd=function(s){return s?(s.slice(6)+s.slice(3,5)+s.slice(0,2))*1:0;}; break;
 case 'mdy': ymd=function(s){return s?(s.slice(6)+s.slice(0,2)+s.slice(3,5))*1:0;}; break;
 case 'ymd': ymd=function(s){return s?(s.slice(0,4)+s.slice(5,7)+s.slice(8))*1:0;}; break;
 default   : ymd=function(s){return s?s:0;};}

Code: Select all

 // AMC 3.5.1
 /*switch (system){
 case 'dmy': ymd=function(s){return s?(s.slice(6)+s.slice(3,5)+s.slice(0,2))*1:0;}; break;
 case 'mdy': ymd=function(s){return s?(s.slice(6)+s.slice(0,2)+s.slice(3,5))*1:0;}; break;
 case 'ymd': ymd=function(s){return s?(s.slice(0,4)+s.slice(5,7)+s.slice(8))*1:0;}; break;
 default   : ymd=function(s){return s?s:0;};}*/
 // AMC 4.1.0
 ymd=function(s){return s?(s.slice(0,4)+s.slice(5,7)+s.slice(8))*1:0;};
Tu peux aussi télécharger le fichier modifié ici:
http://mickaelvanneufville.online.fr/AM ... _Bergware/
de plus je ne peux plus utiliser la version car ma base ne s'ouvre plus :j'imagine qu'il n'y a pas de retrocompatibilité.
Tu as la possibilité d'enregistrer ta base au format 3.5.1 avec AMC 4.1.X si tu souhaite revenir à la version 3.5.1 mais tu perdras les ajouts de la version 4.1.X comme les champs personnalisés.

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Post by gigi1250 »

super soulsnake un grand merci à toi ;je vais mettre le lien de téléchargement du template dans le bon topic (si ce n'est deja fait)

t'es un chef
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Post by elman »

Thanks a lot for new version.

I have found 2 bugs with 4.1.1 beta:
- When importing media files, file sizes are not imported,
- Check boxes in thumbnails do not follow setting "Checkboxes with background color associated to movie color tag". E.g if it's disabled, colored checkboxes are still displayed under thumbs. As I think about it now, it might not be a bug since there is no other way to tell color tag :)
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Post by GnomesRUs »

I'm also experiencing the problem with the file sizes not being recognized on new entries...
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Post by soulsnake »

- When importing media files, file sizes are not imported
- I'm also experiencing the problem with the file sizes not being recognized on new entries...
Thanks, I found the bug.
The bug appears only if you choose to import file size like this '700+715' in preferences ;).
It will be fixed in next release.
- Check boxes in thumbnails do not follow setting "Checkboxes with background color associated to movie color tag". E.g if it's disabled, colored checkboxes are still displayed under thumbs. As I think about it now, it might not be a bug since there is no other way to tell color tag
This is normal, it is not a bug.
If you don't want color tag as background in checkboxes, it is what is done.
I think you think it is a bug because checkboxes in thumbs are same with or without color tag as background but this is normal.
If you don't want checkboxes in thumbs, you just have to uncheck this option in preferences ;).

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Post by GnomesRUs »

Thank You for the speedy response, soulsnake :)

Just wondering if it might be possible to have the actual byte-size of the file imported? (such as 4,321,500,601 Bytes)

I'm considering converting to that format so as to better know which rip I have in my catalog, when comparing to other rips online.
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Post by elman »

soulsnake wrote: This is normal, it is not a bug.
If you don't want color tag as background in checkboxes, it is what is done.
I think you think it is a bug because checkboxes in thumbs are same with or without color tag as background but this is normal.
If you don't want checkboxes in thumbs, you just have to uncheck this option in preferences ;).
Ah, now I see how it works. Then I believe option "Checkboxes with background color associated to movie color tag" should be under "Checkboxes (right click...)" and not under "Checkboxes in thumbnails display" since it affects former option and not latter.
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Post by antp »

GnomesRUs wrote: Just wondering if it might be possible to have the actual byte-size of the file imported? (such as 4,321,500,601 Bytes)
You can chose the unit to use in the Preferences -> Media File Importation.
But that affects only the new imports, it won't convert those already in the database.
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Post by GnomesRUs »

antp wrote:
GnomesRUs wrote: Just wondering if it might be possible to have the actual byte-size of the file imported? (such as 4,321,500,601 Bytes)
You can chose the unit to use in the Preferences -> Media File Importation.
But that affects only the new imports, it won't convert those already in the database.
My goodness - I've been using AMC so long that I'd forgotten that setting was even there!

Thank You, soulsnake :)
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Post by antp »

This time it was not soulsnake who replied :lol:
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Post by soulsnake »

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Post by GnomesRUs »

:o So sorry, Antoine...

Too many hours staring at the computer screen!
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Post by Teebee »

Any idea why i have no Decimals when importing media?
eg. 3976875804 Bytes, which makes it hard to read.
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Post by antp »

It is designed that way.
But indeed maybe using thousands separator would make it more readable (not decimal separator, as it is an integer value). The problem is that adding such feature (even if is very small) will either make a different behaviour from previous version (which may annoy some users) or will require one more option...
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Post by soulsnake »

Ant Movie Catalog 4.1.1 [BETA] update (10/04/12) released ! :grinking:

Please see first post for more details! ;)

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Re: [FR][EN] Ant Movie Catalog 4.1.1 [BETA] (10/04/12)

Post by antp »

soulsnake wrote: - Add possibility to display movie fields and custom fields in same tab (require at least a resolution screen of 1024 x 600 pixels).
is it normal than there are 3 tabs?
movie fields, custom fiels, and the one with both
Shouldn't it be either the two fields, or no tabs and then show all fiends together?
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Post by soulsnake »


Yes, this is normal.
I put this like this because this view is unsuitable for small screens.
So, like this you can choose how to display fields according to user preferences and constraints on the size of the screen.
But if you have a better idea, I'm interested ;).

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