Help for a new user with cataloging music

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Senior Bill
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Help for a new user with cataloging music

Post by Senior Bill »

What a great program for DVD's.

I'm using this as my DVD-CD player keeps burping.

Getting info for DVD works great but I can't figure out how to get info for music CD's.

I've tried the Allmusic scripts I've found on the forum, but can't get them to display/load up with F6

Any help pointing me in the right direction would be great :)
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Re: Help for a new user with cataloging music

Post by fulvio53s03 »

Senior Bill wrote:... I've tried the Allmusic scripts...
Sure You are using this viewtopic.php?t=4882&highlight=allmusic ?

What do you mean about F6? :??:
Script does not appear in script's list?
you run it and you don't get information? which album?
options on the right in script's list are OK (i.e. you are running batch mode without providing url address) ?

Be clear, please. ;)
Senior Bill
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Joined: 2012-03-09 21:28:54

Post by Senior Bill »

Yes thats the script I pasted into the script editor. I then saved it as Allmusic.ifs to the scripts directory... but I cannot see it when I press F6 or Movie->Get Information-> From the internet (F6)

I was trying to get more infor for ZZ Tops Greatest Hits

I had not progressed to whatever info was required by me for the script to work properly.. i.e. URL etc...

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Post by fulvio53s03 »

Senior Bill wrote:Yes thats the script...

If you pasted that script and it doesn't appears to you maybe your paste wasn't corrected ;)
the script must begin with:

and end with:

or maybe you have a filter about language in script's page....
take a look, please.

ZZ Tops Greatest Hits does not exist so you cannot retrieve it (but "ZZ Top Greatest Hits" exists and you can find it).
I Hope to be useful.... :)
Senior Bill
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Joined: 2012-03-09 21:28:54

Post by Senior Bill »

Yes I pasted everything including the (*** and End. with the period.
And the filter is off

and I did have Top rather than Tops :D

Curious... I did find Allmusic script in the Shift-F6 or Tools-> Scripting. I don't understand the difference between the Shift-F6 and F6 or Movie->Get Information. Both seem to bring up scripts.
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Post by bad4u »

Senior Bill wrote:Curious... I did find Allmusic script in the Shift-F6 or Tools-> Scripting. I don't understand the difference between the Shift-F6 and F6 or Movie->Get Information. Both seem to bring up scripts.
This is an option from script preferences. Choose the script in scripting window, click 'Editor', then click 'Preferences'. There you will find the option 'Get info from web', setting it to 'True' will make the script being listed with F6 or menu button 'Get information -> from internet using a script'.

Note: Shift-F6 or Menu 'Movie -> Scripting' lists ALL scripts, while F6 or 'Get information -> from internet using a script' filters for scripts with internet option set in preferences.
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Post by fulvio53s03 »

Senior Bill wrote:... I pasted into the script editor....
Uh oh, you have to paste the script using Notepad, not in the Script editor of AMC. If you did this, you created a file having the file name you choose but containing an other script name.
try this: open with note pad your script (maybe in folder c:\Program Files\Ant Movie Catalog\Scripts\ and take a look to the parameter Title= in [Infos] section....[/b]..
I think you will find 2 [Infos]...

Ending: to copy/paste a script, you need to use Note Pad, not Script Editor of AMC as this doesn't show script's info and doesn't let you to overwrite them (so that you don't see you new script in scipt's list).

Let's hope....
Senior Bill
Posts: 4
Joined: 2012-03-09 21:28:54

Post by Senior Bill »

OK I used Notepad...and it worked ...


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