MPAA Ratings

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MPAA Ratings

Post by cweinhofer »

I want to add the MPAA ratings in my movie info. I read somewhere that you can add this info by modifying the script. I went into the IMDB script and changed the classification and MPAA sections to match below. However, I still get nothing. Anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong? Also, can anyone tell me what the difference is between the number after the first equals sign and the number in between the vertical bars?

Classification=1|1|0=Do not import classification/certification|1=Import classification to MediaType field|2=Append classification to Comments field

MPAA=1|1|0=Do not import MPAA rating|1=Import MPAA rating to MediaType|2=Append MPAA rating and info to Comments
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Post by antp »

You do not have to change the code there, these are just definitions of options (one is the default value and I think that the other is the value used when saving the script, but it is not actually used by the script afterwards).

To change these options, double-click on an option name on the right of the scripts list, when the script is selected.
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