Moving ANT catalog from old hard drive
Moving ANT catalog from old hard drive
My computer went belly up, but had the old hard drive put into new computer. I can find ANT on old drive but can not bring up list. How can I move it from old drive to new one. Have over 200 movies listed and sure don't like to think about having to redo it. Have already downloaded ANT to new computer. If there is a way, please know you are typing to a computer novice, so make it simple. lol
The catalog is in a .amc file (or .xml if you specifically saved it in that format)
Search for that file and simply copy it.
By default on previous versions it was saved in the "catalogs" subfolder where the program is installed.
What version of Windows did you have on the old computer? (if you had Vista or 7 the file may be somewhat hidden in another folder)
Search for that file and simply copy it.
By default on previous versions it was saved in the "catalogs" subfolder where the program is installed.
What version of Windows did you have on the old computer? (if you had Vista or 7 the file may be somewhat hidden in another folder)
I just checked on old drive and the movie catalog is listed as .exe, did not find anything with .amc. I know the error message shows amc, I'm lost.
When I try to bring the catalog up I get this:
Unable to load file "C:\program files\Ant Movie Catalog\Catalogs\Movie List.amc": Cannot open file "C:\Program Files\Ant Movie Catalog\Catalogs\Movie List.amc". The system cannot find the path specified
When I try to bring the catalog up I get this:
Unable to load file "C:\program files\Ant Movie Catalog\Catalogs\Movie List.amc": Cannot open file "C:\Program Files\Ant Movie Catalog\Catalogs\Movie List.amc". The system cannot find the path specified
Admin rights is when Windows ask you permission to do so operation (e.g. copying a file to program files)
You can run a program as administrator (right click on program icon) so the program has admin rights, but it usually not good to work in that way with a program: it is just for "special occasions"
You can run a program as administrator (right click on program icon) so the program has admin rights, but it usually not good to work in that way with a program: it is just for "special occasions"