[PL] Games Mod for Gry-Online.pl

New scripts, templates and translation files that allows to use Ant Movie Catalog to manage other things than movies
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[PL] Games Mod for Gry-Online.pl

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I have created polish Mod (language file + script) for database about games (Gry-Online.pl). It is possible to toggle searching from any platforms: PC, PSP, PS2, PS3, XBOX, XBOX 360, GBA, GCN, NDS, Wii.

It retrieves all available information from site: picture, original title, polish title, producer, publisher, distributor, category, release date, rank, technical specification, number of disks, url, description, comments, serie, game mode, language version, price, age requirements.

Please report any bug or request other scripts for polish sites here or at my site: http://antmc.pl/


Script + language file (installer)
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I've fixed games script for new version of site.

Download v.2.0
Last edited by ads on 2008-12-11 19:47:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bad4u »

If you could adapt the script for Sisimizi Game Catalog, it would be very appreciated and I'd like to include it. There's no polish language file yet, but maybe a script could animate someone to do one :) Adapting the script should be easy as only the fieldnames for import (and maybe some options) have to be changed.
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I've done polish translation for Sisimizi Game Catalog both language file and script for Gry-online.pl:

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Post by bad4u »

Thanks a lot for your work, that was amazingly fast - very nice !

But I'm not sure if it is a good idea to add this language file to the program's archive, as it seems you changed a couple of fields to fit your - and your gry online script's - needs. So it's probably more a mod than a 1:1 translation of the program, is it ? Seems you adapted the language file to the script instead of vice versa ;)

As sure as I understand your reasons for doing this, I hope you will understand my doubts. Nevertheless I will add a link to your files on website news and later on forum - and still hope someone (or you?) could adapt the few different fields for the correct translation later.

Btw.. you missed some field variables that I changed from AMC (I guess it happened when you copied/pasted some parts from your original AMC mod language file). I'll add them as tabbed lines to the file again and send it to you if you like.
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I had wanted add some fields (game mode, price) implemented in the script for AMC instead of unused fields such as number local/network players because those informations don't occure at gry-online website.

But OK, I changed those fields to its original place both sript and language file (link above).

I saw that whole interface was translated to polish. If you found any lacking fields you can add it to my file as you write.
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Post by bad4u »

Great. Thanks again.

Please see mail for the missing fields/variables.

About the game mode or price fields, maybe you'd like to import them to fieldCustom1/2/3 so that they don't get lost for new users of your script (eventually as an option)? Just add a short note to the user on the script comments or - even better - on the script license, as this one shows up whenever the user installs a script update and tell him to change the custom fields to "price", "game mode" or whatever ;)
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New version of script (v.3.0) both AntMC and Sisimizi:

Ant Movie Catalog

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