
If you made a script you can offer it to the others here, or ask help to improve it. You can also report here bugs & problems with existing scripts.
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Posts: 3
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Post by JoBernaerts »

recently the downloads of went bad, giving me
"http/1.1 404 not found" error
i tried IMDB , seems to work fine
i tried to update the script , no luck
i was still 3.5 update to latest, no luck

what is the problem?
how can i fix this?

please need help this is the only dutch language that works

thx to any helpers
luv ANTP
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Post by antp »

The current script works fine for me... Do you have the version 2.8.03 ? (The script version is shown at the bottom of the script window when you select a script)
Can you give an example of movie title (as I only tested a few).
This kind of problem can be caused by proxy or firewall software which slightly modify the pages. Did you install something recently?
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Post by JoBernaerts »

Hey antp
thx for the fast reply

the script is

my latest entries are

the speed of thought -->fail
the three musketeers --> ok
blood of heroes (salute to the jugger) -->fail
isabelle --> ok
barabbas --> fail
paladin (dawn of the dagonslayer) --> fail
titanic II --> fail
trust --> ok
weather wars --> ok
the robe -->fail

i noticed that the progressbar show "disconnected"

previous entry at 3/1/1012
i also retried some of the previous entries, some of these also give the error, not all of them

proggs installed since last useof amc
google talk2.6.1.5251 new on my pc
VLC mediaplayer 1.1.11 new on my pc
teamviewer 7.0.12313 update from 6
spotnet1.8.1 update-> sil1.8 update-> gexa3.0.0new

i have Telenet fiber conection, never had to use proxy settings before

thats about all the info i have for now
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Post by antp »

That's a lot of info :D

Well it seems that like previous time it is with the movie titles returning only one result that it failed. The code handling that is not very clean, I quickly fixed it last time, I did that again (and so it could fail again next time they change something in their page).
The script now on the server (v 2.8.04) should work
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Post by JoBernaerts »


works like a charm
great service, within 18hours from fist report

thx a whole lot ANTP

i hope movie meter stops changing stuff for a while

happy greets
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Post by wvd »


Thanx again for fixing the problem
:grinking: :grinking: :grinking:

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Post by StefMir »

I have another question/request:

there is also an IMDB link to the film:

Is it possible to add this link to the export features of the script too?

My English is not very good, so I hope you understand my request.


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Post by antp »

I am not sure to understand:
So you want that the moviemeter script stores somewhere the IMDB link?
Yes it should be possible to add. But where to store it? In the URL field instead of the moviemeter URL ? (I could add an option to chose which link to keep)
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Post by wvd »


There's again a problem with the import with the script "".
In the field country comes a lot of text what doesn't belong there.

If someone could fix the script that would be awesome.

Thanks a lot.

Greetings Wim

For example, this is what now will be imported in the field "Country" of the movie "I Want to Be a Soldier":
Tweet!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="//";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");Spanje / Italië
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Post by Raoul_Volfoni »

wvd wrote:There's again a problem with the import with the script "".
In the field country comes a lot of text what doesn't belong there.


If you know how to use the scripting editor include in AMC you just have to change the line number 40 of the last script version.
Change this :

Code: Select all

Value := TextAfter(Value, '</div>');
by this :

Code: Select all

Value := TextAfter(Value, '<div id="film_info_icons">');
The field country should work after this little change.

If you don't know how to do, you can download this (2.8.05) version here
If it's work, let know us and antp should be able to put it on his server.
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Post by wvd »

Hello Raoul,

Thanks a lot for the solution.
I will change that in the script.
:grinking: :grinking: :grinking:

Greetings, Wim
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Post by wvd »


It work's fine :grinking: :grinking:

Thanks a lot

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Post by Raoul_Volfoni »

wvd wrote:It work's fine
Thanks for your feedback.

The script (v 2.8.05) is now available on the antp server.
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Post by wvd »


No thanks, i'm very glad you fixed it

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Post by StefMir »

antp wrote:I am not sure to understand:
So you want that the moviemeter script stores somewhere the IMDB link?
Yes it should be possible to add. But where to store it? In the URL field instead of the moviemeter URL ? (I could add an option to chose which link to keep)
yes that would be great :)
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Post by Raoul_Volfoni »

StefMir wrote:
antp wrote:I am not sure to understand:
So you want that the moviemeter script stores somewhere the IMDB link?
Yes it should be possible to add. But where to store it? In the URL field instead of the moviemeter URL ? (I could add an option to chose which link to keep)
yes that would be great :)
Hi StefMir,

I made the change to be able to choose, with an option, which link to put in the url field.
But you should know that you will no longer be able to use the batchmode with the URL as it was your wish in this post.
So are you really sure you want to store the IMDB link in the URL field ?
If so, I could send the modified script to antp very quickly. Otherwise tell me in which field you want to store the imdb link.
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Post by StefMir »

Raoul_Volfoni wrote:
StefMir wrote:
antp wrote:I am not sure to understand:
So you want that the moviemeter script stores somewhere the IMDB link?
Yes it should be possible to add. But where to store it? In the URL field instead of the moviemeter URL ? (I could add an option to chose which link to keep)
yes that would be great :)
Hi StefMir,

I made the change to be able to choose, with an option, which link to put in the url field.
But you should know that you will no longer be able to use the batchmode with the URL as it was your wish in this post.
So are you really sure you want to store the IMDB link in the URL field ?
If so, I could send the modified script to antp very quickly. Otherwise tell me in which field you want to store the imdb link.
another field would be great, "bestandsgrootte" is an url field I never use ...
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Post by Raoul_Volfoni »


"bestandsgrootte" Alias "File Size" field ... ;) ... is not an url field. I mean, it's not like the "URL" field where you can open the link with a left click. It's just a "text" field.
If you use at least an 4.0.0 version of the AMC program, I can simply add a line in the script to copy the IMDB link in a true URL custom field that you will have to create.
A custom field like that for example :
- Tag : IMDBLink
- Name : (as you want, it's the label caption)
- Type : URL

But if you prefer the "file size" field, it's up to you.
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Post by StefMir »

text field is OK for me, I export the link to Excel and then i make it clickable.
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Post by Raoul_Volfoni »

Hi StefMir,
I worked since my last post and your today's answer ;)
So i implemented an option called IMDB Link with three possibilities :

0 -> Do not store IMDB Link
1 -> Store IMDB Link in FileSize field
2 -> Store IMDB Link in Custom field (You need at least 4.0.0 version of AMC and you have to create a custom field with "IMDBLink" for Tag and "URL" for Type)

The option is set by default to 0. So you need to set it to 1 for your own use.
I give you a link to download a beta version of the script ... could you test it for a while and give me a return in order to put it as an official version on antp's server ... or not ;)

>>> (NL) 2.8.06 beta <<<
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