[FR][EN] Ant Movie Catalog 4.2.1 (04/11/17)

Comments on existing version & Suggestions for future versions. If you want a new feature suggest it here. Discussions about beta versions also come in this section.
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Post by soulsnake »

Il n'y a pas de raison pour que la version 4.1 soit plus lente.
As-tu fais un test avec AMC 4.1 et AMC 3.5 pour la même base de données ?
Je viens de faire un test sur XP pour voir et je n'ai pas remarqué de différence.

There is no reason why version 4.1 is slower.
Did you do a test with AMC 4.1 and AMC 3.5 for the same database?
I just did a test on XP to see and I did not notice any difference.

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Post by humungus »

Hi, soulsnake!

I tried version briefly on my 64-bit Win7. I used a copy of my original .amc file and I observed the following:

1. I have "English" configured as the default language as I do not import language with a script from IMDb or some such. However, this value gets deleted every time I import an .avi file. That kind of defeats the purpose of having a default value and it's quite annoying. Version 3.5.1 did not do this.

2. I have the default view with the picture pane enabled. When adding movies, I sort the list by movie number. To add a movie, I press alt+insert and rather than the movie list moving upwards and showing the new entry as in version 3.5.1, the new entry is now hidden behind the picture pane (like this - the blue line is the new entry). You may need to make two new entries to reproduce this.

3. Updating movie data once it's fetched by a script (ie. after I press Save in the Results pop-up) takes much longer than in version 3.5.1. I just tried the same movie with the same script settings (IMDb) in both versions and in 3.5.1 updating data was almost instantaneous whilst in it took several seconds.
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Post by antp »

humungus wrote: 1. I have "English" configured as the default language as I do not import language with a script from IMDb or some such. However, this value gets deleted every time I import an .avi file. That kind of defeats the purpose of having a default value and it's quite annoying. Version 3.5.1 did not do this.
You could uncheck "Import languages" in Preferences -> Media files import.

It is possible that version 3.5 did not clear the field when it had no new value for replacing it.
I do not know what is the best behaviour though.
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Post by soulsnake »

2. I have the default view with the picture pane enabled. When adding movies, I sort the list by movie number. To add a movie, I press alt+insert and rather than the movie list moving upwards and showing the new entry as in version 3.5.1, the new entry is now hidden behind the picture pane (like this - the blue line is the new entry). You may need to make two new entries to reproduce this.
I will see to fix this in ElTree component.
3. Updating movie data once it's fetched by a script (ie. after I press Save in the Results pop-up) takes much longer than in version 3.5.1. I just tried the same movie with the same script settings (IMDb) in both versions and in 3.5.1 updating data was almost instantaneous whilst in it took several seconds.
It is strange, it is instantaneous for me too with
I test it on XP. I will test it on Windows 7 x64 tonight but it should be the same.

Thanks for report ;).
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Post by humungus »

antp wrote:
humungus wrote: 1. I have "English" configured as the default language as I do not import language with a script from IMDb or some such. However, this value gets deleted every time I import an .avi file. That kind of defeats the purpose of having a default value and it's quite annoying. Version 3.5.1 did not do this.
You could uncheck "Import languages" in Preferences -> Media files import.
I could indeed uncheck that, however that would then not import language from mkv files. As they are growing in numbers, this is an option I would prefer to keep.
antp wrote:It is possible that version 3.5 did not clear the field when it had no new value for replacing it.
I do not know what is the best behaviour though.
That depends on what you hoped to achieve when you implemented 'default values'. If your goal was to save the user from having to type those values manually when they are not imported from media files and/or scripts, then the best behavior is that of version 3.5.1: overwrite the default value when the new value is not null, and keep the default value if the new value is null. That certainly saved me oodles of time importing all those many .avis that don't have a language tag.
Certainly, clearing the language makes little sense given that nearly all movies have a language...

Of course, you could let the user decide for himself by adding a checkbox to enable/disable clearing default values when the new value is empty, similar to the "Allow to clear fields" checkbox in the Scripting window.
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Post by soulsnake »

That depends on what you hoped to achieve when you implemented 'default values'. If your goal was to save the user from having to type those values manually when they are not imported from media files and/or scripts, then the best behavior is that of version 3.5.1: overwrite the default value when the new value is not null, and keep the default value if the new value is null. That certainly saved me oodles of time importing all those many .avis that don't have a language tag.
Certainly, clearing the language makes little sense given that nearly all movies have a language...

Of course, you could let the user decide for himself by adding a checkbox to enable/disable clearing default values when the new value is empty, similar to the "Allow to clear fields" checkbox in the Scripting window.
I will modify default behavior to not clear field value when the new value is empty and add the possibility to allow clear fields value or not in preferences.
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Post by humungus »

soulsnake wrote:I will modify default behavior to not clear field value when the new value is empty and add the possibility to allow clear fields value or not in preferences.
Just so you know: you rock. :grinking:
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Post by gangdeshach »

il ya possibilité d'avoir une base .amc un peu plus propre ?
j'ai l'impression que avec mes divers passage successif de version 3.5,3.6 a 4.1 elle c'est un peu encrassé ;)
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Post by soulsnake »

Comment ça encrassée ?
Pourquoi dis-tu ça ?
Sachant que la base AMC (et XML) est recréée de toute pièce à chaque sauvegarde, elle ne peux pas s'encrasser (c'est à dire garder des infos obsolètes)... Tu as une base "toute neuve" à chaque sauvegarde ;).
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Post by humungus »

soulsnake wrote:It is strange, it is instantaneous for me too with
I test it on XP. I will test it on Windows 7 x64 tonight but it should be the same.
A little something I noticed: in the updating is instantaneous in a new amc file, but in an amc file with lots and lots of movies, the updating takes considerably longer. In and of itself, this is not strange, except that the updating in 3.5.1 with the same number of movies in the amc file takes considerably less time than in
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Post by Wotan »

Which catalog format is better to use, the new amc 4.1 or xml? Or does not make a difference? Currently I'm using xml.
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Post by soulsnake »

Which catalog format is better to use, the new amc 4.1 or xml? Or does not make a difference? Currently I'm using xml.
Like you want, the two formats have advantages and disadvantages.
- XML format is a standart and you can modify it directly what it is not the case with AMC format.
- You can't store pictures in catalog with XML format what is not the case with AMC format.
- Open / Save a catalog in AMC format is a little bit faster than with XML format.
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Post by antp »

Depends on the size of pictures too. If you have a lot of pictures, storing them outside of the catalog will considerably increase the speed. But that can be done with both xml & amc format.
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Post by bad4u »

I did not read through all 18 pages, so I might have missed this, but..

Did you (silently) change AMC user agent ? I recently finished a script using AMC just to find out it does not run on because it retrieves different html data then (amazon.de usually does not block, but delivers different html for AMC). Looks like the new version has a FF user agent or something, instead of his own specific one (which would make all AMC bans from websites invalid) ?
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Post by soulsnake »

See page 14 ;).
UserAgent 3.5.1 : Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Ant Movie Catalog using Indy Library)
UserAgent 4.1.0 : Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Ant Movie Catalog)
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Post by bad4u »

Hmm.. so I need a different version of the script to work with 4.x, not the best solution if this happens with other scripts too. It would be even more work to catch all HTML differences within one script.

If I remember correct IMDB deliveres slightly different code for older AMC UA too (no full size images or something), but I did not test yet..
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Post by soulsnake »

Yes, I know but some sites restrict AMC because of 'Indy' word in UserAgent and not because is AMC.
Sorry for that but I think it's a blessing in disguise ;).

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Post by Teebee »

Is it possible to also give the fields another background color. Now they are white, but i would like to have them in dark color/black.
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SQLite format import and export

Post by yuyuki »


I make al little search for SQLite and I've found this :

I hope it help you to make this feature that's more commonly use.
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Post by soulsnake »

Is it possible to also give the fields another background color. Now they are white, but i would like to have them in dark color/black.
You can not change this for now.
I make al little search for SQLite and I've found this :

I hope it help you to make this feature that's more commonly use.
Thanks, I will see what I can do with this.
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