Ant movie catelog problem

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Ant movie catelog problem

Post by roland_otto »


First of all i want to say i love ant movie catelog. But now i have a problem with the program. If i want to add a movie with moviemeter(dutch website) it gives me the following problem. ... otamc.jpg/
The name of the movie is blank, there is no grate and all the information is like this <span itemprop="actors">Warren Christie</span>, <span itemprop="actors">Lloyd Owen</span> en <span itemprop="actors">Ryan Robbins</span>

I have try to install new version but it doesnt work, i have also tried to add a new datebase but still the same problem :??:

Who can help me?

Thanks a lot!
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Post by antp »

There were changes made to the MovieMeter script in the last weeks.
Current version of the script is 2.7.8
You have to update if either by running "update scripts" script, or manually from
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Post by Raoul_Volfoni »


Your problem is not due to the program himself but by the script you use.
The last version of the "Moviemeter (NL) .ifs" script is 2.7.8 dating from the 19 november 2011.
You can find this script here :
Or you can use the [ UPDATE SCRIPTS ] script to update your scripts.

If you have more questions about scripts, there is a script forum section here

Hope this help.

Ouups ... preceded by the master himself ;)
Posts: 2
Joined: 2011-12-10 10:20:26

Post by roland_otto »

Thanks it works!!

Thank you
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